Drink 3-in-1 Beverages Moderately
KUALA LUMPUR: People must control the intake of 3-in-1 beverages as over-consumption may have a negative impact on their health, according to a nutrition expert.
Dr Roslee Rajikan, a lecturer in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, said this was because consumers would not be able to control their sugar intake when they consumed 3-in-1 beverages, compared with other beverages prepared the traditional way.
"If they consume the product once in a while, it is all right.
"However, if they come this 3-in-1 beverage five to six times a day, there will be a problem," he said during an interview with Zulkifli Bujang in the Kerusi Panas programme aired on Bernama Radio 24.
Roslee said educating the public on sugar intake remained a difficult task despite various public awareness campaigns mounted by the government and private sector.
"Nevertheless, those who are already aware of the need to reduce sugar intake have switched to a better consumption pattern. Previously, ordering a teh tarik with less sugar, or drinking plain tea, was unheard of, but now it is a normal thing."
Roslee also advised those whose parents or other family members had a history of diabetes, to control their sugar intake and adopt a healthy diet. This would help them to reduce the risk of developing the disease.
"Diabetes is mainly genetic but we cannot blame it on our parents, if they are diabetic, as we all have the ability to change our lifestyle, by choosing a healthy diet and exercising more." -- Bernama
Nutrition & Dietary
Read more: Drink 3-in-1 beverages moderately http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/15sonali/Article/#ixzz0urcVWWgq
Bahasa Malaysia Version:
26 Julai 2010
Pengambilan minuman 3 dalam 1 perlu dikawal
KUALA LUMPUR, 26 Julai (Bernama) -- Penggunaan produk minuman '3-in-1' yang kini menjadi pilihan kebanyakan masyarakat perlu dikawal pengambilannya kerana ia boleh memudaratkan kesihatan jika diambil secara berlebihan.
Pensyarah Jabatan Pemakanan dan Dietetik Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) Dr Roslee Rajikan berkata pengguna perlu bijak membuat pilihan dengan melihat label nutrien atau zat makanan pada produk berkenaan.
"Jika ambil produk ini sekali sekala tanpa berlebihan saya rasa tidak timbul masalah. Tetapi jika sehari lima hingga enam kali, mungkin boleh timbul masalah," katanya semasa ditemubual Zulkifli Bujang dalam program Kerusi Panas di Radio 24.
Dr Roslee berkata pengguna tidak boleh mengawal pengambilan gula dengan pengambilan minuman 3-in-1, berbanding jika menyediakan sendiri minuman.
Menurut kajian Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang (CAP), rakyat negara ini mengambil secara purata 26 sudu teh gula setiap hari, iaitu tiga kali ganda lebih tinggi daripada saranan Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO).
Dr Roslee berkata untuk mendidik masyarakat mengurangkan pengambilan gula bukan satu perkara mudah meskipun pelbagai kempen diadakan untuk menyedarkan masyarakat.
"Tetapi ramai juga orang yang telah mempunyai kesedaran telah beralih kepada corak pengambilan yang lebih baik. Dulu tidak pernah dengar teh tarik kurang manis dan teh O kurang manis. Tetapi sekarang sudah jadi perkara biasa," katanya.
Dr Roslee berkata meskipun kerajaan menambah bekalan gula sebanyak 15 peratus daripada biasa sebagai persediaan menyambut perayaan, orang ramai perlu bijak mengawal penggunaannya.
Beliau juga menasihatkan individu yang mempunyai ibu bapa atau keluarga yang menghidap diabetis supaya mengawal pengambilan gula dan mengamalkan pemakanan sihat bagi mengurangkan risiko menghidap penyakit yang sama.
"Memang ada sedikit pengaruh genetik kepada perkembangan penyakit ini. Tetapi kita tidak boleh menyalahkan ibu bapa (yang menghidap diabetis) sedangkan kita mempunyai keupayaan untuk mengubah cara hidup terutama pengambilan makanan yang sihat serta bersenam," katanya.
Sumber : BERNAMA
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Oil Spill In China
In the northeastern port city of Dalian, China, two oil pipelines exploded, sending flames hundreds of feet into the air and burning for over 15 hours, destroying several structures - the cause of the explosion is under investigation. The damaged pipes released thousands of gallons of oil, which flowed into the nearby harbor and the Yellow Sea. The total amount of oil spilled is still not clear, though China Central Television earlier reported an estimate of 1,500 tons (400,000 gallons), as compared to the estimated 94 - 184 million gallons in the BP oil spill off the Louisiana coast. The oil slick has now grown to at least 430 square kilometers (165 sq mi), forcing beaches and port facilities to close while government workers and local fishermen work to contain and clean up the spill.
Firefighters walk near an oil pipeline blast site in Dalian, Liaoning province, China early on July 17, 2010. Firefighters later extinguished the fire that raged for more than 15 hours after two oil pipelines exploded in the port of Dalian, the Xinhua news agency said. (REUTERS/China Daily)
Kelebihan Durian Belanda
Durian Belanda atau Soursop, buah dari pohon Graviola adalah pembunuh semulajadi sel kanser yang ajaib dengan 10 ribu kali lebih kuat dari pada terapi kemo. Tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu?
Kerana salah satu perusahaan dunia telah menutup rahsia penemuan penyelidikan tentang khasiat buah ini sebaik mungkin, mereka ingin agar dana penyelidikan yang dikeluarkan sangat besar, selama bertahun-tahun, ditambah pula keuntungan yang melimpah dengan cara menjadikan pohon Graviola Sintetis sebagai bahan utama ubat rawatan kanser.
Pohonnya rendah, di Brazil dinamai 'Graviola', di Sepanyol 'Guanabana' bahasa Inggeris dipanggil 'Soursop'. Di Indonesia, dikenali sebagai buah Sirsak manakala di Malaysia dipanggil sebagai Durian Belanda. Buahnya agak besar, kulitnya berduri lembut, isi buah berwarna putih, rasanya masam-masam manis, dimakan dengan cara membuka kulitnya atau dibuat jus.
Khasiat dari buah durian belanda ini memberikan kesan anti tumor / kanser yang sangat kuat, dan terbukti secara perubatan menyembuhkan segala jenis kanser. Selain menyembuhkan kanser, buah ini juga berfungsi sebagai anti bakteria, anti fungus , berkesan melawan berbagai jenis parasit dan cacing, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, kemurungan, stress, dan menormalkan kembali sistem saraf yang kurang baik.
Salah satu contoh betapa pentingnya kewujudan Institut Sains Kesihatan bagi orang-orang Amerika adalah kerana institut ini telah membuka tabir rahsia buah ajaib ini. Fakta yang membingungkankan adalah: Jauh dipedalaman hutan Amazon, tumbuh 'pohon ajaib', yang akan merubah cara berfikir anda, doktor anda, dan dunia mengenai proses penyembuhan kanser dan harapan untuk bertahan hidup.
Hasil penyelidikan membuktikan “pohon ajaib” dan buahnya ini :
i) Menyerang sel kanser secara efektif dan semulajadi, TANPA rasa mual, berat badan turun, rambut gugur, seperti yang terjadi pada terapi kemo.
ii) Melindungi sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah dari jangkitan yang mematikan.
iii) Pesakit merasakan lebih kuat, lebih sihat selama proses perawatan / penyembuhan.
iv) Menambah tenaga dan penampilan fizikal semakin bertambah baik.
Sumber berita sangat mengejutkan ini berasal dari salah satu pengeluar farmasi terbesar di Amerika. Buah Graviola telah diuji lebih dari 20 makmal, sejak tahun 1970-an hingga beberapa tahun berikutnya. Hasil ujikaji dari ekstrak (sari) buah ini adalah :
1. Secara berkesan memilih sasaran dan membunuh sel jahat dari 12 jenis kanser yang berbeza, diantaranya kanser : Usus Besar, Payu Dara, Prostat, Paru-Paru dan Pankreas.
2. Daya kerjanya 10,000 kali lebih kuat dalam memperlambatkan pertumbuhan sel kanser dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo yang biasa digunakan!
3. Tidak seperti terapi kemo, ekstrak buah ini secara selektif hanya memburu dan membunuh sel-sel jahat dan TIDAK membahayakan atau membunuh sel-sel yang sihat.
Penyelidikan telah dilakukan secara ekstensif pada pohon “ajaib” ini, selama bertahun-tahun tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu langsung mengenai hal ini ? Jawabnya adalah : Begitu mudah kesihatan kita, kehidupan kita, dikendalikan oleh yang memiliki wang dan kekuasaan!
Salah satu perusahaan ubat terbesar di Amerika dengan aset jutaan dollar melakukan penyelidikan luar biasa pada pohon Graviola yang tumbuh dihutan Amazon ini. Ternyata beberapa bahagian dari pohon ini : kulit kayu, akar, daun, isi buah dan bijinya, selama berabad-abad lamanya telah menjadi penawar bagi suku Indian di Amerika Selatan untuk menyembuhkan : sakit jantung, asma, masalah berkaitan hati dan rematik. Dengan bukti-bukti ilmiah yang minimum, perusahaan yang mengumpulkan dana dan sumber usaha manusia yang sangat besar bagi tujuan melakukan penyelidikan dan berbagai ujian. Hasilnya sangat menakjubkan. Graviola secara ilmiah telah terbukti sebagai agen pembunuh sel kanser yang berkesan !
Tapi… kisah Graviola hampir berakhir disini. Kenapa?
Dibawah undang-undang persekutuan, sumber bahan semulajadi untuk ubat adalah DILARANG dipatentkan.
Perusahaan menghadapi masalah besar dan mereka berusaha sedaya upaya dengan pembiayaan sangat besar untuk membuat klon tiruan dari Graviola ini agar ianya dapat dipatentkan sehingga dana yang dikeluarkan untuk penyelidikan dan ujian dapat dituntut dan bahkan mengaup keuntungan besar. Tapi usaha ini tidak berhasil kerana Graviola tidak berjaya diklon. Perusahaan gigit jari setelah mengeluarkan dana jutaan dolar untuk usaha penyelidikan mereka.
Ketika mimpi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar beransur-ansur pudar, kegiatan penyelidikan juga turut berhenti. Lebih parah lagi, perusahaan menutup projek ini dan memutuskan untuk TIDAK menerbitkan hasil penyelidikan ini.
Beruntunglah, ada salah seorang ilmuwan dari kumpulan penyelidik tidak sanggup melihat kekejaman ini terjadi. Dengan mengorbankan kerjayanya, dia menghubungi sebuah perusahaan yang biasa mengumpulkan bahan-bahan bersumberkan semulajadi dari hutan Amazon untuk penghasilan penawar.
Ketika para pakar penyelidik dari Institut Sains Kesihatan mendengar berita keajaiban Graviola, mereka mulai lakukan usaha penyelidikan. Hasilnya sangat mengejutkan. Graviola terbukti sebagai pohon pembunuh sel kanser yang berkesan.
The National Cancer Institute mulakan penyelidikan ilmiah yang pertama pada tahun 1976. Hasilnya membuktikan bahawa daun dan batang kayu Graviola mampu menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel jahat kanser. Sayangnya hasil ini hanya untuk keperluan dalaman dan tidak dihebahkan.
Sejak 1976, Graviola telah terbukti sebagai pembunuh sel kanser yang luar biasa pada ujikaji yang dilakukan oleh 20 makmal bebas yang berbeza.
Satu kajian yang dihasilkan oleh the Journal of Natural Products menyatakan bahawa kajian yang dilakukan oleh Catholic University di Korea Selatan, mendakwa bahawa salah satu unsur kimia yang terkandung di dalam Graviola, mampu memilih, membezakan dan membunuh sel kanser usus besar dengan 10,000 kali lebih kuat berbanding dengan Adriamycin dan terapi kemo!
Sebuah kajian di Purdue University pula membuktikan bahwa daun Graviola mampu membunuh sel kanser secara berkesan, terutama sel kanser: Prostat, Pankreas, dan Paru-paru.
Setelah hampir 7 tahun tidak ada berita mengenai Graviola, akhirnya berita keajaiban ini pecah juga, melalui informasi dari Lembaga-lembaga seperti disebutkan terdahulu.
Kisah lengkap tentang Graviola, dimana memperolehnya, dan bagaimana cara memanfaatkannya, dapat dijumpai dalam Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother’s milk, sebagai bonus istimewa percuma terbitan Health Sciences Institute.
Sekarang anda tahu manfaat durian belanda yang luar biasa ini. Rasanya manis-manis masam begitu menyegarkan. Buah yang 100% semulajadi tanpa sebarang kesan sampingan.
Sources: Kiriman email drp seorang sahabat.
Durian Belanda atau Soursop, buah dari pohon Graviola adalah pembunuh semulajadi sel kanser yang ajaib dengan 10 ribu kali lebih kuat dari pada terapi kemo. Tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu?
Kerana salah satu perusahaan dunia telah menutup rahsia penemuan penyelidikan tentang khasiat buah ini sebaik mungkin, mereka ingin agar dana penyelidikan yang dikeluarkan sangat besar, selama bertahun-tahun, ditambah pula keuntungan yang melimpah dengan cara menjadikan pohon Graviola Sintetis sebagai bahan utama ubat rawatan kanser.
Pohonnya rendah, di Brazil dinamai 'Graviola', di Sepanyol 'Guanabana' bahasa Inggeris dipanggil 'Soursop'. Di Indonesia, dikenali sebagai buah Sirsak manakala di Malaysia dipanggil sebagai Durian Belanda. Buahnya agak besar, kulitnya berduri lembut, isi buah berwarna putih, rasanya masam-masam manis, dimakan dengan cara membuka kulitnya atau dibuat jus.
Khasiat dari buah durian belanda ini memberikan kesan anti tumor / kanser yang sangat kuat, dan terbukti secara perubatan menyembuhkan segala jenis kanser. Selain menyembuhkan kanser, buah ini juga berfungsi sebagai anti bakteria, anti fungus , berkesan melawan berbagai jenis parasit dan cacing, menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi, kemurungan, stress, dan menormalkan kembali sistem saraf yang kurang baik.
Salah satu contoh betapa pentingnya kewujudan Institut Sains Kesihatan bagi orang-orang Amerika adalah kerana institut ini telah membuka tabir rahsia buah ajaib ini. Fakta yang membingungkankan adalah: Jauh dipedalaman hutan Amazon, tumbuh 'pohon ajaib', yang akan merubah cara berfikir anda, doktor anda, dan dunia mengenai proses penyembuhan kanser dan harapan untuk bertahan hidup.
Hasil penyelidikan membuktikan “pohon ajaib” dan buahnya ini :
i) Menyerang sel kanser secara efektif dan semulajadi, TANPA rasa mual, berat badan turun, rambut gugur, seperti yang terjadi pada terapi kemo.
ii) Melindungi sistem kekebalan tubuh dan mencegah dari jangkitan yang mematikan.
iii) Pesakit merasakan lebih kuat, lebih sihat selama proses perawatan / penyembuhan.
iv) Menambah tenaga dan penampilan fizikal semakin bertambah baik.
Sumber berita sangat mengejutkan ini berasal dari salah satu pengeluar farmasi terbesar di Amerika. Buah Graviola telah diuji lebih dari 20 makmal, sejak tahun 1970-an hingga beberapa tahun berikutnya. Hasil ujikaji dari ekstrak (sari) buah ini adalah :
1. Secara berkesan memilih sasaran dan membunuh sel jahat dari 12 jenis kanser yang berbeza, diantaranya kanser : Usus Besar, Payu Dara, Prostat, Paru-Paru dan Pankreas.
2. Daya kerjanya 10,000 kali lebih kuat dalam memperlambatkan pertumbuhan sel kanser dibandingkan dengan Adriamycin dan Terapi Kemo yang biasa digunakan!
3. Tidak seperti terapi kemo, ekstrak buah ini secara selektif hanya memburu dan membunuh sel-sel jahat dan TIDAK membahayakan atau membunuh sel-sel yang sihat.
Penyelidikan telah dilakukan secara ekstensif pada pohon “ajaib” ini, selama bertahun-tahun tapi kenapa kita tidak tahu langsung mengenai hal ini ? Jawabnya adalah : Begitu mudah kesihatan kita, kehidupan kita, dikendalikan oleh yang memiliki wang dan kekuasaan!
Salah satu perusahaan ubat terbesar di Amerika dengan aset jutaan dollar melakukan penyelidikan luar biasa pada pohon Graviola yang tumbuh dihutan Amazon ini. Ternyata beberapa bahagian dari pohon ini : kulit kayu, akar, daun, isi buah dan bijinya, selama berabad-abad lamanya telah menjadi penawar bagi suku Indian di Amerika Selatan untuk menyembuhkan : sakit jantung, asma, masalah berkaitan hati dan rematik. Dengan bukti-bukti ilmiah yang minimum, perusahaan yang mengumpulkan dana dan sumber usaha manusia yang sangat besar bagi tujuan melakukan penyelidikan dan berbagai ujian. Hasilnya sangat menakjubkan. Graviola secara ilmiah telah terbukti sebagai agen pembunuh sel kanser yang berkesan !
Tapi… kisah Graviola hampir berakhir disini. Kenapa?
Dibawah undang-undang persekutuan, sumber bahan semulajadi untuk ubat adalah DILARANG dipatentkan.
Perusahaan menghadapi masalah besar dan mereka berusaha sedaya upaya dengan pembiayaan sangat besar untuk membuat klon tiruan dari Graviola ini agar ianya dapat dipatentkan sehingga dana yang dikeluarkan untuk penyelidikan dan ujian dapat dituntut dan bahkan mengaup keuntungan besar. Tapi usaha ini tidak berhasil kerana Graviola tidak berjaya diklon. Perusahaan gigit jari setelah mengeluarkan dana jutaan dolar untuk usaha penyelidikan mereka.
Ketika mimpi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan besar beransur-ansur pudar, kegiatan penyelidikan juga turut berhenti. Lebih parah lagi, perusahaan menutup projek ini dan memutuskan untuk TIDAK menerbitkan hasil penyelidikan ini.
Beruntunglah, ada salah seorang ilmuwan dari kumpulan penyelidik tidak sanggup melihat kekejaman ini terjadi. Dengan mengorbankan kerjayanya, dia menghubungi sebuah perusahaan yang biasa mengumpulkan bahan-bahan bersumberkan semulajadi dari hutan Amazon untuk penghasilan penawar.
Ketika para pakar penyelidik dari Institut Sains Kesihatan mendengar berita keajaiban Graviola, mereka mulai lakukan usaha penyelidikan. Hasilnya sangat mengejutkan. Graviola terbukti sebagai pohon pembunuh sel kanser yang berkesan.
The National Cancer Institute mulakan penyelidikan ilmiah yang pertama pada tahun 1976. Hasilnya membuktikan bahawa daun dan batang kayu Graviola mampu menyerang dan menghancurkan sel-sel jahat kanser. Sayangnya hasil ini hanya untuk keperluan dalaman dan tidak dihebahkan.
Sejak 1976, Graviola telah terbukti sebagai pembunuh sel kanser yang luar biasa pada ujikaji yang dilakukan oleh 20 makmal bebas yang berbeza.
Satu kajian yang dihasilkan oleh the Journal of Natural Products menyatakan bahawa kajian yang dilakukan oleh Catholic University di Korea Selatan, mendakwa bahawa salah satu unsur kimia yang terkandung di dalam Graviola, mampu memilih, membezakan dan membunuh sel kanser usus besar dengan 10,000 kali lebih kuat berbanding dengan Adriamycin dan terapi kemo!
Sebuah kajian di Purdue University pula membuktikan bahwa daun Graviola mampu membunuh sel kanser secara berkesan, terutama sel kanser: Prostat, Pankreas, dan Paru-paru.
Setelah hampir 7 tahun tidak ada berita mengenai Graviola, akhirnya berita keajaiban ini pecah juga, melalui informasi dari Lembaga-lembaga seperti disebutkan terdahulu.
Kisah lengkap tentang Graviola, dimana memperolehnya, dan bagaimana cara memanfaatkannya, dapat dijumpai dalam Beyond Chemotherapy: New Cancer Killers, Safe as Mother’s milk, sebagai bonus istimewa percuma terbitan Health Sciences Institute.
Sekarang anda tahu manfaat durian belanda yang luar biasa ini. Rasanya manis-manis masam begitu menyegarkan. Buah yang 100% semulajadi tanpa sebarang kesan sampingan.
Sources: Kiriman email drp seorang sahabat.
Info Kesihatan
Faedah lelap seketika kepada pekerja
Good article from Utusan for our info……
Faedah lelap seketika kepada pekerja banyak organisasi di Barat yang menggalakkan para pekerja untuk mengamalkan tidur sebentar di waktu siang. - Gambar hiasan
SESETENGAH daripada kita menganggap bahawa lelap atau tidur sebentar pada waktu siang adalah sifat orang yang malas. Tidak kurang juga yang berandaian bahawa rutin tidur sebegini mengganggu kesihatan.
Namun tidak ramai yang mengetahui bahawa tidur sebentar pada waktu siang merupakan suatu amalan harian yang telah dipraktikkan oleh masyarakat di negara-negara Barat mahupun umat Islam sejak dahulu.
Ia dianggap sebagai praktis berkesan untuk menyegarkan semula badan dan minda yang juga dipanggil sebagai power nap.
Menyedari pentingnya isu itu telah menyebabkan kerajaan Amerika Syarikat beberapa tahun lalu membangunkankan National Sleep Disorder Association sebagai agensi khas untuk mengkaji dan mempromosikan akan kesan positif tidur di waktu siang kepada semua pihak terutama para pekerja.
Sebagai golongan pekerja dalam pelbagai sektor, perkara ini perlu diambil perhatian walaupun budaya tidur sekejap di waktu siang ini belum begitu popular di negara kita.
Bayangkan daripada pagi hinggalah ke petang kita terlalu terfokus kepada tugasan dan kerja sehingga kita lupa untuk memberikan tubuh badan dan minda waktu rehat yang optimum dengan kaedah yang tepat.
Banyak kajian yang telah dilaksanakan oleh para sarjana dalam mengkaji akan kesan tidur sebentar di waktu siang. Mereka juga menghasilkan bahan-bahan ilmiah yang memberikan fakta tentang kebaikan tidur di waktu siang ini.
Contoh buku popular yang boleh diperoleh di pasaran adalah seperti The Art of Napping at Work karya Anthony dan Anthony, Sleep and Alertness: Chronobiological, Behavioural and Medical Aspects of Napping oleh Dinges dan Broughton dan sebagainya.
Para sarjana ini cuba menghimpunkan bukti-bukti secara saintifik tentang kebaikan tidur sebentar di waktu siang terutamanya bagi para pekerja dalam mengekalkan produktiviti kerja seharian yang mantap.
Telah dibuktikan secara saintifik bahawa waktu tengah hari merupakan masa yang paling sesuai untuk tidur seketika.
Sistem pekerjaan yang kebiasaannya memperuntukkan waktu rehat pada waktu tengah hari perlu dimanfaatkan sebaiknya untuk tidur sejenak selain daripada makan tengah hari, berbual-bual kosong dengan rakan-rakan, melayari Internet dan sebagainya.
Pada masa inilah sistem badan manusia bersedia untuk memanfaatkan fasa berehat setelah berjam-jam keletihan akibat dipengaruhi oleh faktor suhu persekitaran serta pendedahan dan penggunaan tenaga fizikal dan mental ketika bekerja.
Keletihan bekerja memuncak pada waktu tengah hari yang mana ia boleh mendorong seseorang pekerja mempunyai perasaan tidak tenteram, tidak fokus, mengantuk dan mudah marah.
Fasa tengah hari ini dipanggil oleh para sarjana sebagai fasa kelesuan pada pertengahan hari. Tempoh untuk tidur pula dikatakan mencukupi dalam lingkungan 30 hingga 40 minit.
Ini adalah kerana waktu tidur yang berlebihan pula akan menyebabkan gangguan kepada tubuh badan yang akan menjadi lesu dan malas untuk bekerja semula.
Daripada segi fizikal, tidur sekejap pada waktu siang secara berkala membantu dalam menyegarkan otak yang memerlukan oksigen yang cukup untuk berfungsi, memperbetulkan semula fungsi jantung dan kapilari darah dalam pengaliran darah dan oksigen, memperbaiki sel-sel badan dan mengendurkan otot-otot yang digunakan secara aktif semasa bekerja sejak pagi.
Daripada aspek kesihatan mental dan psikologi pula, minda dan perasaan akan menjadi lebih tenang daripada stres sebaik bangun daripada tidur dan bersedia untuk melaksanakan kerja dengan lebih produktif, berkesan dan efisien menganjur ke petang hari.
Daripada perspektif Islam, tidur di waktu siang turut diiktiraf sebagai salah satu amalan yang baik.
Imam al-Ghazali pernah menyatakan bahawa 'hendaklah seseorang tidak meninggalkan tidur sekejap pada siang hari kerana ia membantu ibadah pada malam hari sebagaimana sahur membantu puasa di siang hari'.
Tidur sekejap di waktu siang bertujuan untuk menyegarkan semula bukan sahaja jasmani, malah rohani seseorang untuk beramal ibadah dan melaksanakan rutin hariannya.
Atas kesedaran tentang implikasi positif daripada tidur sekejap di waktu siang ini, banyak organisasi di Barat yang menggalakkan para pekerja untuk mengamalkannya.
Sehingga ke satu tahap, dikatakan terdapat majikan yang menyediakan ruang yang khas untuk tidur sementara (yang lengkap dengan kerusi malas, kusyen, tuala muka dan haruman) bagi para pekerjanya selain daripada pantri atau kantin untuk makan.
Majikan atau pengurusan organisasi diharapkan faham akan keperluan rehat para pekerja. Cuba elakkan untuk mengadakan mesyuarat atau memberi sebarang tugas kepada pekerja sehingga mengganggu waktu rehat tengah hari mereka.
Begitu juga dalam kalangan pekerja yang perlu mengikis pandangan serong apabila terjumpa rakan-rakan yang tidur di pejabat dan tidak memberikan banyak masa untuk makan atau bersosial pada waktu rehat.
Begitu juga dengan para pelanggan di kaunter-kaunter perkhidmatan yang perlu faham dan tidak bersungut apabila sesetengah kaunter ditutup untuk memberi ruang rehat seadilnya kepada semua pekerja.
Mungkin amalan tidur sekejap sebegini belum kelihatan praktikal dan janggal dalam kalangan warga pekerja di negara kita. Pun begitu, pokok pangkalnya sebagai orang yang bekerja kita boleh cuba untuk mengadaptasi amalan tidur sekejap ini yang telah terbukti keberkesanannya dalam mengekalkan kecergasan dan kecerdasan diri.
Sebagai pekerja, jika fizikal, mental dan emosi kita dapat direhatkan sebentar pasti kita dapat mengekalkan prestasi kerja yang baik sehingga ke minit terakhir kita bekerja sehari-harian.
Good article from Utusan for our info……
Faedah lelap seketika kepada pekerja banyak organisasi di Barat yang menggalakkan para pekerja untuk mengamalkan tidur sebentar di waktu siang. - Gambar hiasan
SESETENGAH daripada kita menganggap bahawa lelap atau tidur sebentar pada waktu siang adalah sifat orang yang malas. Tidak kurang juga yang berandaian bahawa rutin tidur sebegini mengganggu kesihatan.
Namun tidak ramai yang mengetahui bahawa tidur sebentar pada waktu siang merupakan suatu amalan harian yang telah dipraktikkan oleh masyarakat di negara-negara Barat mahupun umat Islam sejak dahulu.
Ia dianggap sebagai praktis berkesan untuk menyegarkan semula badan dan minda yang juga dipanggil sebagai power nap.
Menyedari pentingnya isu itu telah menyebabkan kerajaan Amerika Syarikat beberapa tahun lalu membangunkankan National Sleep Disorder Association sebagai agensi khas untuk mengkaji dan mempromosikan akan kesan positif tidur di waktu siang kepada semua pihak terutama para pekerja.
Sebagai golongan pekerja dalam pelbagai sektor, perkara ini perlu diambil perhatian walaupun budaya tidur sekejap di waktu siang ini belum begitu popular di negara kita.
Bayangkan daripada pagi hinggalah ke petang kita terlalu terfokus kepada tugasan dan kerja sehingga kita lupa untuk memberikan tubuh badan dan minda waktu rehat yang optimum dengan kaedah yang tepat.
Banyak kajian yang telah dilaksanakan oleh para sarjana dalam mengkaji akan kesan tidur sebentar di waktu siang. Mereka juga menghasilkan bahan-bahan ilmiah yang memberikan fakta tentang kebaikan tidur di waktu siang ini.
Contoh buku popular yang boleh diperoleh di pasaran adalah seperti The Art of Napping at Work karya Anthony dan Anthony, Sleep and Alertness: Chronobiological, Behavioural and Medical Aspects of Napping oleh Dinges dan Broughton dan sebagainya.
Para sarjana ini cuba menghimpunkan bukti-bukti secara saintifik tentang kebaikan tidur sebentar di waktu siang terutamanya bagi para pekerja dalam mengekalkan produktiviti kerja seharian yang mantap.
Telah dibuktikan secara saintifik bahawa waktu tengah hari merupakan masa yang paling sesuai untuk tidur seketika.
Sistem pekerjaan yang kebiasaannya memperuntukkan waktu rehat pada waktu tengah hari perlu dimanfaatkan sebaiknya untuk tidur sejenak selain daripada makan tengah hari, berbual-bual kosong dengan rakan-rakan, melayari Internet dan sebagainya.
Pada masa inilah sistem badan manusia bersedia untuk memanfaatkan fasa berehat setelah berjam-jam keletihan akibat dipengaruhi oleh faktor suhu persekitaran serta pendedahan dan penggunaan tenaga fizikal dan mental ketika bekerja.
Keletihan bekerja memuncak pada waktu tengah hari yang mana ia boleh mendorong seseorang pekerja mempunyai perasaan tidak tenteram, tidak fokus, mengantuk dan mudah marah.
Fasa tengah hari ini dipanggil oleh para sarjana sebagai fasa kelesuan pada pertengahan hari. Tempoh untuk tidur pula dikatakan mencukupi dalam lingkungan 30 hingga 40 minit.
Ini adalah kerana waktu tidur yang berlebihan pula akan menyebabkan gangguan kepada tubuh badan yang akan menjadi lesu dan malas untuk bekerja semula.
Daripada segi fizikal, tidur sekejap pada waktu siang secara berkala membantu dalam menyegarkan otak yang memerlukan oksigen yang cukup untuk berfungsi, memperbetulkan semula fungsi jantung dan kapilari darah dalam pengaliran darah dan oksigen, memperbaiki sel-sel badan dan mengendurkan otot-otot yang digunakan secara aktif semasa bekerja sejak pagi.
Daripada aspek kesihatan mental dan psikologi pula, minda dan perasaan akan menjadi lebih tenang daripada stres sebaik bangun daripada tidur dan bersedia untuk melaksanakan kerja dengan lebih produktif, berkesan dan efisien menganjur ke petang hari.
Daripada perspektif Islam, tidur di waktu siang turut diiktiraf sebagai salah satu amalan yang baik.
Imam al-Ghazali pernah menyatakan bahawa 'hendaklah seseorang tidak meninggalkan tidur sekejap pada siang hari kerana ia membantu ibadah pada malam hari sebagaimana sahur membantu puasa di siang hari'.
Tidur sekejap di waktu siang bertujuan untuk menyegarkan semula bukan sahaja jasmani, malah rohani seseorang untuk beramal ibadah dan melaksanakan rutin hariannya.
Atas kesedaran tentang implikasi positif daripada tidur sekejap di waktu siang ini, banyak organisasi di Barat yang menggalakkan para pekerja untuk mengamalkannya.
Sehingga ke satu tahap, dikatakan terdapat majikan yang menyediakan ruang yang khas untuk tidur sementara (yang lengkap dengan kerusi malas, kusyen, tuala muka dan haruman) bagi para pekerjanya selain daripada pantri atau kantin untuk makan.
Majikan atau pengurusan organisasi diharapkan faham akan keperluan rehat para pekerja. Cuba elakkan untuk mengadakan mesyuarat atau memberi sebarang tugas kepada pekerja sehingga mengganggu waktu rehat tengah hari mereka.
Begitu juga dalam kalangan pekerja yang perlu mengikis pandangan serong apabila terjumpa rakan-rakan yang tidur di pejabat dan tidak memberikan banyak masa untuk makan atau bersosial pada waktu rehat.
Begitu juga dengan para pelanggan di kaunter-kaunter perkhidmatan yang perlu faham dan tidak bersungut apabila sesetengah kaunter ditutup untuk memberi ruang rehat seadilnya kepada semua pekerja.
Mungkin amalan tidur sekejap sebegini belum kelihatan praktikal dan janggal dalam kalangan warga pekerja di negara kita. Pun begitu, pokok pangkalnya sebagai orang yang bekerja kita boleh cuba untuk mengadaptasi amalan tidur sekejap ini yang telah terbukti keberkesanannya dalam mengekalkan kecergasan dan kecerdasan diri.
Sebagai pekerja, jika fizikal, mental dan emosi kita dapat direhatkan sebentar pasti kita dapat mengekalkan prestasi kerja yang baik sehingga ke minit terakhir kita bekerja sehari-harian.
Renungan Bersama
Wanita Ciptaan Istimewa ...
1. Kecantikan seorang wanita ialah terletak sejauh mana ia dapat menahan(menjaga) malunya, sementara kegagahan seorang lelaki ialah terletak sejauh mana ia dapat menahan (menjaga) marahnya.....
2. Orang yang membujang adalah orang yang belum menemukan penghibur duka
dan dia baru memperolehinya dengan berkahwin.
3. Suami adalah orang yang mencari kebahagiaan hidup dengan menghilangkan sebahagian kemerdekaannya.
4. Wanita menghadapi banyak permasalahan; sebahagian diatasi dengan
berkahwin dan sebahagian yang lain diatasi setelah dia masuk ke liang
5. Mata yang paling indah tetapi juga harus diwaspadai adalah mata
kaum wanita.
6. Jangan menyalahkan perasaan isteri anda kerana perasaannya yang terbaik
ialah ketika ia menerima anda sebagai suami.
7. Perawan tua ialah wanita yang kehilangan kesempatan menyusahkan seorang lelaki.
8. Yang diinginkan seorang gadis dari dunia ini hanyalah seorang suami,dan
apabila ia sudah memperolehinya, ia menginginkan segala-galanya.
9. Wanita bisa memaafkan suatu pengkhianatan suaminya, tetapi dia tidak bisa melupakannya.
10. Kecantikan wanita tidak bererti apa-apa dibandingkan dengan kemuliaan
akhlak dan perilakunya.
11. Sebelum kahwin, wanita hafal seluruh jawaban dan sesudah kahwin, ia
hafal seluruh pertanyaan.
12.. Barangsiapa mengahwini wanita kerana hartanya, maka dia telah menjual
13. Wanita adalah bintang dan pelita bagi lelaki. Tanpa pelita, lelaki bermalam dalam kegelapan.
14. Wanita lebih cepat daripada lelaki dalam menangis dan dalam mengingatkan peristiwa yang menyebabkan dia menangis.
15. Wanita tertawa bila ia mampu dan menangis apabila ia menginginkan
16. Pudarlah kebahagiaan seorang wanita jika ia tidak mampu menjadikan
suaminya teman yang termulia.
17. Wanita sangat berlebihan dalam mencintai dan membenci, dan tidak
mengenal pertengahannya.
18. Wanita selalu tergolong manusia halus dan lembut sampai saat dia
19. Tidak mungkin seorang lelaki hidup bahagia tanpa didampingi oleh isteri
yang mulia.
20. Wanita hidup untuk berbahagia dengan cinta, sementara lelaki mencintai
untuk hidup berbahagia.
21. Kebijaksanaan wanita terletak di dalam hatinya.
22. Seorang wanita yang bijaksana menambahkan gula pada kalimatnya setiap kali berbicara dengan suaminya, dan mengurangi garam pada ucapan suaminya.
23. Cincin perkahwinan adalah cincin termahal di dunia, sebab mengharuskan
pemberinya mengingatkan harganya setiap bulan tanpa henti...
24. Sesungguhnya tidak ada wanita yang sangat cantik, yang ada ialah kaum
lelaki yang sangat lemah bila berhadapan dengan kecantikan.
25. Bagi lelaki, yang terakhir kali mati ialah jantungnya dan bagi wanita
adalah lidahnya.
26. Wanita tidak diciptakan untuk dikagumi semua lelaki tetapi sebagai
sumber kebahagiaan seorang suami.
27. Pada waktu bertunang, lelaki banyak berbicara dan perempuan mendengarkan. Pada saat perkahwinan, perempuan berbicara dan pengantin lelaki mendengarkan. Sesudah perkahwinan, suami dan isteri banyak berbicara dan para jiran tetangga mendengarkan.
28. Setiap wanita mempunyai dua mata. Adapun wanita yang cemburu berlebihan
mempunyai tiga mata. Satu di sebelah kanan, satu di sebelah kiri dan yang
ketiga diarahkan kepada suami.
29. Wanita pada umumnya takut akan tiga hal : tikus, munculnya uban dan
wanita-wanita cantik yang menjadi saingannya.
30. Isteri yang bersikap jujur dan setia kepada suami meringankan setengah
beban kehidupan suaminya.
31. Seorang wanita menghadapi kesulitan apabila ia berada di antara lelaki yang dicintainya dan yang mencintainya.
Sources: Kiriman email drp seorang sahabat - (Arwah Manja Anje)
1. Kecantikan seorang wanita ialah terletak sejauh mana ia dapat menahan(menjaga) malunya, sementara kegagahan seorang lelaki ialah terletak sejauh mana ia dapat menahan (menjaga) marahnya.....
2. Orang yang membujang adalah orang yang belum menemukan penghibur duka
dan dia baru memperolehinya dengan berkahwin.
3. Suami adalah orang yang mencari kebahagiaan hidup dengan menghilangkan sebahagian kemerdekaannya.
4. Wanita menghadapi banyak permasalahan; sebahagian diatasi dengan
berkahwin dan sebahagian yang lain diatasi setelah dia masuk ke liang
5. Mata yang paling indah tetapi juga harus diwaspadai adalah mata
kaum wanita.
6. Jangan menyalahkan perasaan isteri anda kerana perasaannya yang terbaik
ialah ketika ia menerima anda sebagai suami.
7. Perawan tua ialah wanita yang kehilangan kesempatan menyusahkan seorang lelaki.
8. Yang diinginkan seorang gadis dari dunia ini hanyalah seorang suami,dan
apabila ia sudah memperolehinya, ia menginginkan segala-galanya.
9. Wanita bisa memaafkan suatu pengkhianatan suaminya, tetapi dia tidak bisa melupakannya.
10. Kecantikan wanita tidak bererti apa-apa dibandingkan dengan kemuliaan
akhlak dan perilakunya.
11. Sebelum kahwin, wanita hafal seluruh jawaban dan sesudah kahwin, ia
hafal seluruh pertanyaan.
12.. Barangsiapa mengahwini wanita kerana hartanya, maka dia telah menjual
13. Wanita adalah bintang dan pelita bagi lelaki. Tanpa pelita, lelaki bermalam dalam kegelapan.
14. Wanita lebih cepat daripada lelaki dalam menangis dan dalam mengingatkan peristiwa yang menyebabkan dia menangis.
15. Wanita tertawa bila ia mampu dan menangis apabila ia menginginkan
16. Pudarlah kebahagiaan seorang wanita jika ia tidak mampu menjadikan
suaminya teman yang termulia.
17. Wanita sangat berlebihan dalam mencintai dan membenci, dan tidak
mengenal pertengahannya.
18. Wanita selalu tergolong manusia halus dan lembut sampai saat dia
19. Tidak mungkin seorang lelaki hidup bahagia tanpa didampingi oleh isteri
yang mulia.
20. Wanita hidup untuk berbahagia dengan cinta, sementara lelaki mencintai
untuk hidup berbahagia.
21. Kebijaksanaan wanita terletak di dalam hatinya.
22. Seorang wanita yang bijaksana menambahkan gula pada kalimatnya setiap kali berbicara dengan suaminya, dan mengurangi garam pada ucapan suaminya.
23. Cincin perkahwinan adalah cincin termahal di dunia, sebab mengharuskan
pemberinya mengingatkan harganya setiap bulan tanpa henti...
24. Sesungguhnya tidak ada wanita yang sangat cantik, yang ada ialah kaum
lelaki yang sangat lemah bila berhadapan dengan kecantikan.
25. Bagi lelaki, yang terakhir kali mati ialah jantungnya dan bagi wanita
adalah lidahnya.
26. Wanita tidak diciptakan untuk dikagumi semua lelaki tetapi sebagai
sumber kebahagiaan seorang suami.
27. Pada waktu bertunang, lelaki banyak berbicara dan perempuan mendengarkan. Pada saat perkahwinan, perempuan berbicara dan pengantin lelaki mendengarkan. Sesudah perkahwinan, suami dan isteri banyak berbicara dan para jiran tetangga mendengarkan.
28. Setiap wanita mempunyai dua mata. Adapun wanita yang cemburu berlebihan
mempunyai tiga mata. Satu di sebelah kanan, satu di sebelah kiri dan yang
ketiga diarahkan kepada suami.
29. Wanita pada umumnya takut akan tiga hal : tikus, munculnya uban dan
wanita-wanita cantik yang menjadi saingannya.
30. Isteri yang bersikap jujur dan setia kepada suami meringankan setengah
beban kehidupan suaminya.
31. Seorang wanita menghadapi kesulitan apabila ia berada di antara lelaki yang dicintainya dan yang mencintainya.
Sources: Kiriman email drp seorang sahabat - (Arwah Manja Anje)
Renungan Bersama
Subject: Rahsia Solat Awal Waktu
Renungan bersama..........
Tiap-tiap hari berazam nak solat awal, tapi.......lewat jugakkkkk......Astagfirullahhalazimmmm... Allahuakbar.
Apa laa nak jadik dengan aku ni...huk huk huk
Setiap peralihan waktu solat sebenarnya menunjukkan perubahan tenaga alam ini yang boleh diukur dan dicerap melalui perubahan warna alam. Aku rasa fenomena perubahan warna alam adalah sesuatu yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang fotografi, betul tak.?
Sebagai contoh,
Pada waktu Subuh alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh.
Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia berkaitan dengan penawar/rezeki dan komunikasi.
Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu Subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali, lama kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki.
Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad bercantum (keserentakan ruang dan masa) - dalam erti kata lain jaga daripada tidur.
Disini juga dapat kita cungkil akan rahsia diperintahkan solat diawal waktu.
Bermulanya saja azan Subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum. Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonan pada waktu rukuk dan sujud. Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuhnya sebenar sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.
Waktu Zuhur
Warna alam seterusnya berubah ke warna hijau (isyraq & dhuha) dan kemudian warna kuning menandakan masuknya waktu Zohor. Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghadaman. Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan. Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zuhurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya. Orang yang tengah sakit perut ceria tak ?
Waktu Asar
Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif. Rahsia warna oren ialah kreativiti. Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar ni jasad dan roh seseorang ini terpisah (tidur la tu .). Dan jangan lupa, tenaga pada waktu Asar ni amat diperlukan oleh organ-organ reproduktif kita
Waktu Maghrib
Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang-orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah. Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) dan ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat bertenaga kerana mereka resonan dengan alam. Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga seelok-eloknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini (solat Maghrib dulu la .) kerana banyak interferens (pembelauan) berlaku pada waktu ini yang boleh mengelirukan mata kita. Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan, pada frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.
Waktu Isyak
Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna Indigo dan seterusnya memasuki fasa Kegelapan. Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak. Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyaknya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan. Alam sekarang berada dalam Kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam. Tidur pada waktu ini dipanggil tidur delta dimana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam kerehatan.
Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus. Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.
Begitulah secara ringkas perkaitan waktu solat dengan warna alam. Manusia kini sememangnya telah sedar akan kepentingan tenaga alam ini dan inilah faktor adanya bermacam-macam kaedah meditasi yang dicipta seperti taichi, qi-gong dan sebagainya. Semuanya dicipta untuk menyerap tenaga-tenaga alam ke sistem tubuh.
Kita sebagai umat Islam sepatutnya bersyukur kerana telah di'kurniakan' syariat solat oleh Allah s.w.t tanpa perlu kita memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyerap tenaga alam ini. Hakikat ini seharusnya menginsafkan kita bahawa Allah s.w.t mewajibkan solat ke atas hambanya atas sifat pengasih dan penyayang-Nya sebagai pencipta kerana Dia tahu hamba-Nya ini amat-amat memerlukannya. Adalah amat malang sekali bagi kumpulan manusia yang amat cuai dalam menjaga solatnya tapi amat berdisiplin dalam menghadiri kelas taichinya .
Sources: Kiriman email Puan Asparilah Yakop & Puan Norpah Ibrahim
Renungan bersama..........
Tiap-tiap hari berazam nak solat awal, tapi.......lewat jugakkkkk......Astagfirullahhalazimmmm... Allahuakbar.
Apa laa nak jadik dengan aku ni...huk huk huk
Setiap peralihan waktu solat sebenarnya menunjukkan perubahan tenaga alam ini yang boleh diukur dan dicerap melalui perubahan warna alam. Aku rasa fenomena perubahan warna alam adalah sesuatu yang tidak asing bagi mereka yang terlibat dalam bidang fotografi, betul tak.?
Sebagai contoh,
Pada waktu Subuh alam berada dalam spektrum warna biru muda yang bersamaan dengan frekuensi tiroid yang mempengaruhi sistem metabolisma tubuh.
Jadi warna biru muda atau waktu Subuh mempunyai rahsia berkaitan dengan penawar/rezeki dan komunikasi.
Mereka yang kerap tertinggal waktu Subuhnya ataupun terlewat secara berulang-ulang kali, lama kelamaan akan menghadapi masalah komunikasi dan rezeki.
Ini kerana tenaga alam iaitu biru muda tidak dapat diserap oleh tiroid yang mesti berlaku dalam keadaan roh dan jasad bercantum (keserentakan ruang dan masa) - dalam erti kata lain jaga daripada tidur.
Disini juga dapat kita cungkil akan rahsia diperintahkan solat diawal waktu.
Bermulanya saja azan Subuh, tenaga alam pada waktu itu berada pada tahap optimum. Tenaga inilah yang akan diserap oleh tubuh melalui konsep resonan pada waktu rukuk dan sujud. Jadi mereka yang terlewat Subuhnya sebenar sudah mendapat tenaga yang tidak optimum lagi.
Waktu Zuhur
Warna alam seterusnya berubah ke warna hijau (isyraq & dhuha) dan kemudian warna kuning menandakan masuknya waktu Zohor. Spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi perut dan hati yang berkaitan dengan sistem penghadaman. Warna kuning ini mempunyai rahsia yang berkaitan dengan keceriaan. Jadi mereka yang selalu ketinggalan atau terlewat Zuhurnya berulang-ulang kali dalam hidupnya akan menghadapi masalah di perut dan hilang sifat cerianya. Orang yang tengah sakit perut ceria tak ?
Waktu Asar
Kemudian warna alam akan berubah kepada warna oren, iaitu masuknya waktu Asar di mana spektrum warna pada waktu ini bersamaan dengan frekuensi prostat, uterus, ovari dan testis yang merangkumi sistem reproduktif. Rahsia warna oren ialah kreativiti. Orang yang kerap tertinggal Asar akan hilang daya kreativitinya dan lebih malang lagi kalau di waktu Asar ni jasad dan roh seseorang ini terpisah (tidur la tu .). Dan jangan lupa, tenaga pada waktu Asar ni amat diperlukan oleh organ-organ reproduktif kita
Waktu Maghrib
Menjelang waktu Maghrib, alam berubah ke warna merah dan di waktu ini kita kerap dinasihatkan oleh orang-orang tua agar tidak berada di luar rumah. Ini kerana spektrum warna pada waktu ini menghampiri frekuensi jin dan iblis (infra-red) dan ini bermakna jin dan iblis pada waktu ini amat bertenaga kerana mereka resonan dengan alam. Mereka yang sedang dalam perjalanan juga seelok-eloknya berhenti dahulu pada waktu ini (solat Maghrib dulu la .) kerana banyak interferens (pembelauan) berlaku pada waktu ini yang boleh mengelirukan mata kita. Rahsia waktu Maghrib atau warna merah ialah keyakinan, pada frekuensi otot, saraf dan tulang.
Waktu Isyak
Apabila masuk waktu Isyak, alam berubah ke warna Indigo dan seterusnya memasuki fasa Kegelapan. Waktu Isyak ini menyimpan rahsia ketenteraman dan kedamaian di mana frekuensinya bersamaan dengan sistem kawalan otak. Mereka yang kerap ketinggalan Isyaknya akan selalu berada dalam kegelisahan. Alam sekarang berada dalam Kegelapan dan sebetulnya, inilah waktu tidur dalam Islam. Tidur pada waktu ini dipanggil tidur delta dimana keseluruhan sistem tubuh berada dalam kerehatan.
Selepas tengah malam, alam mula bersinar kembali dengan warna putih, merah jambu dan seterusnya ungu di mana ianya bersamaan dengan frekuensi kelenjar pineal, pituitari, talamus dan hipotalamus. Tubuh sepatutnya bangkit kembali pada waktu ini dan dalam Islam waktu ini dipanggil Qiamullail.
Begitulah secara ringkas perkaitan waktu solat dengan warna alam. Manusia kini sememangnya telah sedar akan kepentingan tenaga alam ini dan inilah faktor adanya bermacam-macam kaedah meditasi yang dicipta seperti taichi, qi-gong dan sebagainya. Semuanya dicipta untuk menyerap tenaga-tenaga alam ke sistem tubuh.
Kita sebagai umat Islam sepatutnya bersyukur kerana telah di'kurniakan' syariat solat oleh Allah s.w.t tanpa perlu kita memikirkan bagaimana hendak menyerap tenaga alam ini. Hakikat ini seharusnya menginsafkan kita bahawa Allah s.w.t mewajibkan solat ke atas hambanya atas sifat pengasih dan penyayang-Nya sebagai pencipta kerana Dia tahu hamba-Nya ini amat-amat memerlukannya. Adalah amat malang sekali bagi kumpulan manusia yang amat cuai dalam menjaga solatnya tapi amat berdisiplin dalam menghadiri kelas taichinya .
Sources: Kiriman email Puan Asparilah Yakop & Puan Norpah Ibrahim
Info Kesihatan - Terapi Kambing
Artikal Kesihatan Utk Dikongsi bersama. Diambil dari tulisan Prof. Dr. Ariffaizal Mohd Nor Ariffin dlm rawatankesihatan blogspot…………
Kambing sering dikaitkan dengan penyakit darah tinggi. Tetapi hakikat sebenarnya banyak sungguh manfaat, khasiat dan kesan daripada kambing sama ada memakan dagingnya atau digembala sehingga ia digelar terapi kambing.
Pengurai Kolestrol Tepu
Salah satu bahan yang terdapat dalam darah yang menjadi punca kepada penyakit darah tinggi dan obesiti ialah kolestrol daripada sumber seperti berikut;
1. Kolestrol daripada minyak tumbuhan seperti minyak sawit, minyak bunga matahari, minyak soya, minyak jagung dan sebagainya (kecuali minyak zaitun).
2. Kolestrol daging lembu dan ayam.
3. Kolestrol tepu daripada makanan laut (kecuali ikan) iaitu sotong, udang, ketam, kerang, siput.
4. Kolestrol tepu daripada organ dalaman haiwan seperti hati, limpa, perut, usus, dan organ-organ lain seperti telinga, lidah, mata, dan sebagainya.
5. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti oleh kolestrol tumbuhan seperti keropok lekor, tauhu goreng, taugeh goreng, telur goreng (bahagian kuning telurnya) dan sebagainya.
6. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti oleh sodium (garam pengawit) seperti daging berger atau daging di restoran makanan segera.
7. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti Vitamin C seperti daging yang diperah limau atau mengambil herba chitosan (herba slimming) atau kuah laksa yang diperah limau atau amalan meminum jus oren setelah mengambil makanan tinggi protein.
8. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti karbon seperti ikan bakar, sate atau daging panggang.
Daging kambing tidak memiliki protein yang tinggi, oleh itu ia terkecuali daripada membentuk sebarang ikatan kolestrol akibat amalan pemakanan seperti yang dinyatakan di atas. Ikatan kolestrol tepu boleh dicegah sekiranya terdapat Omega 3 di dalam darah, tetapi Omega 3 tidak mampu mengurai kolestrol yang telah terbentuk. Hanya ikatan hidrogen dan karbon (kolestrol lembut) sahaja yang boleh menguraikan ikatan hidrogen dan karbon (kolestrol kasar). Oleh itu, kolestrol yang terbentuk dalam badan tidak boleh diurai dengan sebarang bahan melainkan ia hanya boleh diurai dengan kolestrol kambing sahaja. Vitamin C dan chitosan yang digunakan untuk menyelaputi protein akan mengakibatkan pembentukan kolestrol yang lebih bahaya sekiranya ia diserap oleh darah. Kandungan kolestrol tepu jenis ini sekiranya terdapat banyak dalam darah akan mengakibatkan masalah jantung.
Sodium (sejenis garam) yang digunakan untuk mengawit daging serta untuk menyedapkan rasa daging akan membentuk kolestrol tepu yang halus. Biasanya kaedah ini digunakan untuk membuat daging berger. Selain itu memakan makanan yang tinggi protein yang dicampurkan dengan perasa makanan seperti Mono Sodium Glitumat (MSG) juga akan membentuk kolestrol tepu yang sangat halus. Ia boleh dipam naik ke bahagian otak dan sekiranya tersekat, ia akan menyebabkan strok.
Pencegah Penyakit Darah Tinggi Dan Obesiti
Kolestrol kambing boleh menguraikan kolestrol dalam darah punca kepada penyakit darah tinggi. Kolestrol kambing yang menguraikan darah yang tercemar dengan kolestrol tepu akan menyebabkan isipadu darah meningkat. Pesakit darah tinggi yang mengambil daging kambing akan mengalami gejala penguraian akibat peningkatan isipadu darah seperti pening.
Walaupun daging kambing bertindak sebagai pengurai protein yang terbaik, tetapi pesakit darah tinggi yang tidak tahan dengan kesan pembongkaran penguraian ini dinasihatkan agar tidak mengambil daging kambing sebagai terapi. Tetapi bagi mereka yang tidak mengalami masalah tekanan darah tinggi dinasihatkan agar mengamalkan pemakanan daging kambing untuk mengelakkan penyakit darah tinggi.
Kolestrol yang gagal dicerna oleh hati akan disimpan dalam bentuk lemak di bawah permukaan kulit. Dalam jumlah yang banyak ia akan menyebabkan masalah obesiti (kegemukan). Pesakit obesiti yang mengambil daging kambing akan mengalami masalah tekanan darah yang tidak stabil dan turut mengalami pening kepala akibat kesan pembongkaran kolestrol tepu oleh kolestrol kambing. Selain itu, daging kambing akan membakar lemak yang berlebihan dalam badan. Kesan pembakaran lemak akan mengakibatkan gejala pembongkaran seperti panas badan, berpeluh dan telinga berdengung.
Mencantikkan Kulit
Dalam daging kambing turut terdapat Vitamin C semulajadi yang tidak teroksida. Vitamin C tidak teroksida amat penting untuk pembinaan dan ketahanan sel kulit. Vitamin C yang tidak teroksida akan menyeimbangkan dan mengurangkan bebanan fungsi hempedu dan mencantikkan kulit.
Pengambilan protein tinggi yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan ia tersimpan di bahagian bawah kulit akan mudah teroksida dan bertindak balas dengan sel kulit untuk membentuk tenaga. Proses ini akan menyebabkan kulit kelihatan hangus dan gelap sekiranya berjemur di bawah sinaran matahari. Vitamin C daripada daging kambing akan memberi lebih ketahanan terhadap kulit daripada bertindak balas terhadap protein yang terkena cahaya matahari.
Mengamalkan memakan daging kambing adalah salah satu cara semula jadi untuk mendapatkan kulit yang putih dan cantik.
Meningkatkan Rasa Kasih Sayang Dan Kegembiraan
Sistem darah (NW18) berkaitan dengan kawasan Thalamus (NW3). Thalamus berfungsi menjaga kasih sayang. Sistem darah yang sihat dan kuat akan memastikan bahagian Thalamus juga kuat dan membantu mewujudkan perasaan kasih sayang.
Jantung yang menerima kolestrol daging kambing akan lebih lembut dan lancar pergerakannya. Jantung yang lembut akan mewujudkan perasaan yang gembira. Jantung yang lancar pergerakannya akan mudah tersentuh dan terpesona dengan sesuatu yang mengusik perasaannya. Oleh itu ia akan membahagiakan dan mewujudkan perasaan kecintaan.
Mereka yang mengamalkan memakan daging kambing akan merasa tenang dan gembira dan mudah merasa getaran kasih sayang. Sekiranya anda menghadapi masalah sukar merasai nikmat kasih sayang dan getaran kecintaan, silalah amalkan memakan daging kambing.
Sources: Email drp Tuan Haji Mohd Zahruddin Ruskan (HSE Project Manager)
Kambing sering dikaitkan dengan penyakit darah tinggi. Tetapi hakikat sebenarnya banyak sungguh manfaat, khasiat dan kesan daripada kambing sama ada memakan dagingnya atau digembala sehingga ia digelar terapi kambing.
Pengurai Kolestrol Tepu
Salah satu bahan yang terdapat dalam darah yang menjadi punca kepada penyakit darah tinggi dan obesiti ialah kolestrol daripada sumber seperti berikut;
1. Kolestrol daripada minyak tumbuhan seperti minyak sawit, minyak bunga matahari, minyak soya, minyak jagung dan sebagainya (kecuali minyak zaitun).
2. Kolestrol daging lembu dan ayam.
3. Kolestrol tepu daripada makanan laut (kecuali ikan) iaitu sotong, udang, ketam, kerang, siput.
4. Kolestrol tepu daripada organ dalaman haiwan seperti hati, limpa, perut, usus, dan organ-organ lain seperti telinga, lidah, mata, dan sebagainya.
5. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti oleh kolestrol tumbuhan seperti keropok lekor, tauhu goreng, taugeh goreng, telur goreng (bahagian kuning telurnya) dan sebagainya.
6. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti oleh sodium (garam pengawit) seperti daging berger atau daging di restoran makanan segera.
7. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti Vitamin C seperti daging yang diperah limau atau mengambil herba chitosan (herba slimming) atau kuah laksa yang diperah limau atau amalan meminum jus oren setelah mengambil makanan tinggi protein.
8. Ikatan kolestrol yang terjadi daripada protein yang disaluti karbon seperti ikan bakar, sate atau daging panggang.
Daging kambing tidak memiliki protein yang tinggi, oleh itu ia terkecuali daripada membentuk sebarang ikatan kolestrol akibat amalan pemakanan seperti yang dinyatakan di atas. Ikatan kolestrol tepu boleh dicegah sekiranya terdapat Omega 3 di dalam darah, tetapi Omega 3 tidak mampu mengurai kolestrol yang telah terbentuk. Hanya ikatan hidrogen dan karbon (kolestrol lembut) sahaja yang boleh menguraikan ikatan hidrogen dan karbon (kolestrol kasar). Oleh itu, kolestrol yang terbentuk dalam badan tidak boleh diurai dengan sebarang bahan melainkan ia hanya boleh diurai dengan kolestrol kambing sahaja. Vitamin C dan chitosan yang digunakan untuk menyelaputi protein akan mengakibatkan pembentukan kolestrol yang lebih bahaya sekiranya ia diserap oleh darah. Kandungan kolestrol tepu jenis ini sekiranya terdapat banyak dalam darah akan mengakibatkan masalah jantung.
Sodium (sejenis garam) yang digunakan untuk mengawit daging serta untuk menyedapkan rasa daging akan membentuk kolestrol tepu yang halus. Biasanya kaedah ini digunakan untuk membuat daging berger. Selain itu memakan makanan yang tinggi protein yang dicampurkan dengan perasa makanan seperti Mono Sodium Glitumat (MSG) juga akan membentuk kolestrol tepu yang sangat halus. Ia boleh dipam naik ke bahagian otak dan sekiranya tersekat, ia akan menyebabkan strok.
Pencegah Penyakit Darah Tinggi Dan Obesiti
Kolestrol kambing boleh menguraikan kolestrol dalam darah punca kepada penyakit darah tinggi. Kolestrol kambing yang menguraikan darah yang tercemar dengan kolestrol tepu akan menyebabkan isipadu darah meningkat. Pesakit darah tinggi yang mengambil daging kambing akan mengalami gejala penguraian akibat peningkatan isipadu darah seperti pening.
Walaupun daging kambing bertindak sebagai pengurai protein yang terbaik, tetapi pesakit darah tinggi yang tidak tahan dengan kesan pembongkaran penguraian ini dinasihatkan agar tidak mengambil daging kambing sebagai terapi. Tetapi bagi mereka yang tidak mengalami masalah tekanan darah tinggi dinasihatkan agar mengamalkan pemakanan daging kambing untuk mengelakkan penyakit darah tinggi.
Kolestrol yang gagal dicerna oleh hati akan disimpan dalam bentuk lemak di bawah permukaan kulit. Dalam jumlah yang banyak ia akan menyebabkan masalah obesiti (kegemukan). Pesakit obesiti yang mengambil daging kambing akan mengalami masalah tekanan darah yang tidak stabil dan turut mengalami pening kepala akibat kesan pembongkaran kolestrol tepu oleh kolestrol kambing. Selain itu, daging kambing akan membakar lemak yang berlebihan dalam badan. Kesan pembakaran lemak akan mengakibatkan gejala pembongkaran seperti panas badan, berpeluh dan telinga berdengung.
Mencantikkan Kulit
Dalam daging kambing turut terdapat Vitamin C semulajadi yang tidak teroksida. Vitamin C tidak teroksida amat penting untuk pembinaan dan ketahanan sel kulit. Vitamin C yang tidak teroksida akan menyeimbangkan dan mengurangkan bebanan fungsi hempedu dan mencantikkan kulit.
Pengambilan protein tinggi yang berlebihan akan menyebabkan ia tersimpan di bahagian bawah kulit akan mudah teroksida dan bertindak balas dengan sel kulit untuk membentuk tenaga. Proses ini akan menyebabkan kulit kelihatan hangus dan gelap sekiranya berjemur di bawah sinaran matahari. Vitamin C daripada daging kambing akan memberi lebih ketahanan terhadap kulit daripada bertindak balas terhadap protein yang terkena cahaya matahari.
Mengamalkan memakan daging kambing adalah salah satu cara semula jadi untuk mendapatkan kulit yang putih dan cantik.
Meningkatkan Rasa Kasih Sayang Dan Kegembiraan
Sistem darah (NW18) berkaitan dengan kawasan Thalamus (NW3). Thalamus berfungsi menjaga kasih sayang. Sistem darah yang sihat dan kuat akan memastikan bahagian Thalamus juga kuat dan membantu mewujudkan perasaan kasih sayang.
Jantung yang menerima kolestrol daging kambing akan lebih lembut dan lancar pergerakannya. Jantung yang lembut akan mewujudkan perasaan yang gembira. Jantung yang lancar pergerakannya akan mudah tersentuh dan terpesona dengan sesuatu yang mengusik perasaannya. Oleh itu ia akan membahagiakan dan mewujudkan perasaan kecintaan.
Mereka yang mengamalkan memakan daging kambing akan merasa tenang dan gembira dan mudah merasa getaran kasih sayang. Sekiranya anda menghadapi masalah sukar merasai nikmat kasih sayang dan getaran kecintaan, silalah amalkan memakan daging kambing.
Sources: Email drp Tuan Haji Mohd Zahruddin Ruskan (HSE Project Manager)
Case Study - Lesson Learned
Workers Burnt in Sewage Chamber Explosion
WSH Alert – Workers Burnt in Sewage Chamber Explosion
On 21 October 2009, six workers were tasked to seal two sewer pipes inside an unused sewage chamber at the junction of Macpherson Road and Aljunied Road by filling the two pipes up with a cement compound. When they were preparing the worksite for this work, an explosion followed by a fire occurred in the sewage chamber. All six workers were injured Preliminary findings revealed the presence of flammable gases in the sewage chamber. Investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of the explosion, the source of the gases and the possible source of ignition.
1. Conduct Risk Assessment: Adequate risk assessments must be conducted before starting any work. Through risk assessment, all potential hazards can be identified and appropriate actions taken to eliminate these hazards or reduce the risks involved. One possible hazard in this incident was the presence of a hazardous atmosphere in the sewage chamber.
2. Entry Permit and Permit-To-Work: The supervisor of the person who is to enter or work in the confined space must apply for an entry permit. The entry permit must be approved by the authorised manager, and should be validated on a daily basis if work in the confined space needs to be continued. Additionally, a Permit-to-Work system must be put in place implemented to ensure that hazardous works such as hot works are properly assessed for safe execution.
3. Continuous Monitoring of Atmosphere: A competent person such as the confined space safety assessor must test the atmosphere of a confined space for oxygen, flammable and toxic gases or vapour, and certify that the space is safe for entry before work commences. The atmosphere needs to be monitored constantly to ensure it remains within the safe limits to carry out the work. Among other criteria, the confined space should only be certified safe for entry if:
• The oxygen level is within 19.5% to 23.5% by volume.
• The level of flammable gas is less than 10% of its Lower Explosive Limit (LEL).
• The level of toxic substances is less than the Permissible Exposure Levels (PEL).
4. Provide Adequate Ventilation: Suitable and adequate ventilation should be provided at all times. It is important to provide fresh air and/or to dilute and remove any contaminants to a safe level. A combination of forced or supplied and exhaust ventilation can be used to ensure adequate ventilation of the space.
5. Emergency Response Plan: For work involving confined spaces, an emergency response plan (ERP), including rescue equipment, has to be put in place. Among other requirements, the plan should include the following:
• Ensure line of communications is available at all times during the work.
• Ensure quick means of escape that are suitable for use by every person who enters the confined space.
• Make retrieval devices and “breathing apparatus” (BA) sets readily available for use in case of an emergency.
• Remind workers that they must follow the ERP and not rush in to rescue co-workers as by doing so, they might endanger their own lives.
• Train supervisors, workers and other personnel on the actions to be taken during an emergency.
Further Information
1. Workplace Safety and Health Act 2006, please click here.
2. Workplace Safety and Health (General Provisions) Regulations 2006, please click here.
3. Workplace Safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations 2006.
4. Workplace Safety and Health (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009, please click here.
5. Risk Assessment Guidelines.
6. Approved Code of Practice for Entry into and Safe Working in Confined Spaces [CP 84 : 2000]
7. Technical Advisory for Confined Spaces, please click here.
Sources: Posted by Tuan Haji Mohd Zahruddin Ruskam (Project HSE Manager - Kencana Torsco Sdn Bhd)
WSH Alert – Workers Burnt in Sewage Chamber Explosion
On 21 October 2009, six workers were tasked to seal two sewer pipes inside an unused sewage chamber at the junction of Macpherson Road and Aljunied Road by filling the two pipes up with a cement compound. When they were preparing the worksite for this work, an explosion followed by a fire occurred in the sewage chamber. All six workers were injured Preliminary findings revealed the presence of flammable gases in the sewage chamber. Investigation is ongoing to determine the cause of the explosion, the source of the gases and the possible source of ignition.
1. Conduct Risk Assessment: Adequate risk assessments must be conducted before starting any work. Through risk assessment, all potential hazards can be identified and appropriate actions taken to eliminate these hazards or reduce the risks involved. One possible hazard in this incident was the presence of a hazardous atmosphere in the sewage chamber.
2. Entry Permit and Permit-To-Work: The supervisor of the person who is to enter or work in the confined space must apply for an entry permit. The entry permit must be approved by the authorised manager, and should be validated on a daily basis if work in the confined space needs to be continued. Additionally, a Permit-to-Work system must be put in place implemented to ensure that hazardous works such as hot works are properly assessed for safe execution.
3. Continuous Monitoring of Atmosphere: A competent person such as the confined space safety assessor must test the atmosphere of a confined space for oxygen, flammable and toxic gases or vapour, and certify that the space is safe for entry before work commences. The atmosphere needs to be monitored constantly to ensure it remains within the safe limits to carry out the work. Among other criteria, the confined space should only be certified safe for entry if:
• The oxygen level is within 19.5% to 23.5% by volume.
• The level of flammable gas is less than 10% of its Lower Explosive Limit (LEL).
• The level of toxic substances is less than the Permissible Exposure Levels (PEL).
4. Provide Adequate Ventilation: Suitable and adequate ventilation should be provided at all times. It is important to provide fresh air and/or to dilute and remove any contaminants to a safe level. A combination of forced or supplied and exhaust ventilation can be used to ensure adequate ventilation of the space.
5. Emergency Response Plan: For work involving confined spaces, an emergency response plan (ERP), including rescue equipment, has to be put in place. Among other requirements, the plan should include the following:
• Ensure line of communications is available at all times during the work.
• Ensure quick means of escape that are suitable for use by every person who enters the confined space.
• Make retrieval devices and “breathing apparatus” (BA) sets readily available for use in case of an emergency.
• Remind workers that they must follow the ERP and not rush in to rescue co-workers as by doing so, they might endanger their own lives.
• Train supervisors, workers and other personnel on the actions to be taken during an emergency.
Further Information
1. Workplace Safety and Health Act 2006, please click here.
2. Workplace Safety and Health (General Provisions) Regulations 2006, please click here.
3. Workplace Safety and Health (Risk Management) Regulations 2006.
4. Workplace Safety and Health (Confined Spaces) Regulations 2009, please click here.
5. Risk Assessment Guidelines.
6. Approved Code of Practice for Entry into and Safe Working in Confined Spaces [CP 84 : 2000]
7. Technical Advisory for Confined Spaces, please click here.
Sources: Posted by Tuan Haji Mohd Zahruddin Ruskam (Project HSE Manager - Kencana Torsco Sdn Bhd)
Info Kesihatan - Gula dan Bahayanya
Gula dan Bahayanya
Dear All
Happy reading to all………….Good info about sugar that we should know. I got from some journal community in the internet (Wrote by Chef from the famous hotel…)
Apakah sebenarnya gula? Gula adalah makanan tanpa khasiat yang paling banyak dimakan dan memudaratkan. Gula cuma menambah kalori dan akan disimpan sebagai lemak di dalam tubuh. Ia tidak langsung berzat malah akan menyingkirkan zat yang sedia ada dalam tubuh. Gula juga adalah penyebab utama kegemukkan! Adakah badan kita perlukan gula? Tidak perlu langsung! Ini kerana tubuh kita akan menukarkan banyak sumber makanan yang lain kepada glukosa apabila badan perlukan tenaga.
Apakah kesan jika ambil gula berlebihan?
1. Melemahkan sistem imunisasi (melawan penyakit)
2. Menganggu imbangan galian dalam tubuh.
3. Menyebabkan kanak-kanak menjadi hiperaktif, gelisah dan nakal.
4. Menyebabkan kanak-kanak rasa mengantuk dan mengurangkan kecergasan
5. Menjejaskan pencapaian kanak-kanak dalam pelajaran.
6. Meningkatkan paras trigliserid
7. Melemahkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap jangkitan bakteria.
8. Merosakkan buah pinggang.
9. Mengurangkan kolesterol yang baik (HDLs).
10. Mengalakkan pertumbuhan kolesterol bahaya (LDLs).
11. Mengurangkan kromium dalam badan.
12. Mengurangkan kuprum dalam badan.
13. Menganggu serapan kalsium dan magnesium oleh sistem badan.
14. Menyebabkan kanser payu dara, kanser ovari, kanser prostat dan kanser dubur.
15. Menyebabkan kanser kolon (usus besar) dan wanita amat berisiko tinggi.
16. Faktor kepada kanser pundi hempedu.
17. Meningkatkan pasar glukosa dalam darah dengan cepat.
18. Melemahkan penglihatan.
19. Meningkatkan paras serotonin yang menyempitkan pembuluh darah.
20. Penyebab hipoglisemia.
21. Penyebab perut berasid.
22. Meningkatkan paras adrenalin dikalangan kanak-kanak.
23. Meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung koronari.
24. Mempercepat proses penuaan, kulit berkedut, uban pada rambut.
25. Membawa kepada ketagihan alkohol.
26. Merosakkan gigi.
27. Penyumbang utama kegemukkan.
28. Meningkatkan risiko penyakit Crohn dan kolitis berulser.
29. Penyebab bengkak saluran usus dikalangan pesakit gastrik.
30. Penyebab artritis.
31. Penyebab lelah.
32. Pembentukan batu dalam ginjal.
33. Penyebab jangkitan yis atau kandidiasis.
34. Penyebab pembentukan batu karang hempedu.
35. Penyebab sakit jantung iskemik.
36. Penyebab sakit apendiks.
37. Meransang tanda-tanda multiple sclerosis.
38. Penyebab pendarahan.
39. Penyebab Vena Varikos.
40. Meningkatkan tindak balas glukosa dan insulin kepada pengamal pil cegah hamil.
41. Penyebab sakit gusi.
42. Penyumbang kepada Osteoporosis.
43. Penyebab air liur menjadi berasid.
44. Penyebab kemerosotan sensitiviti Insulin.
45. Penyebab kemerosotan toleransi Glukosa>.
46. Mengurangkan hormon tumbesaran.
47. Meningkatkan kolesterol dalam badan.
48. Meningkatkan tekanan darah sistolik.
49. Menyebabkan struktur protein bertukar hingga menganggu serapan protein oleh tubuh.
50. Penyebab alergi terhadap makanan.
51. Penyumbang kepada sakit kencing manis.
52. Penyebab keracunan darah semasa hamil.
53. Penyebab ekzema kepada kanak-kanak.
54. Penyebab penyakit kardiovaskular.
55. Melemahkan struktur DNA.
56. Penyebab Katarak.
57. Penyebab Emfisema.
58. Penyebab arteriosclerosis.
59. Penyebab pembentukan radikal bebas dalam aliran darah.
60. Merendahkan kemampuan enzim.
61. Penyebab kehilangan keanjalan tisu serta fungsinya.
62. Penyebab sel hati terbahagi dan ini akan meningkatkan saiz hati.
63. Meningkatkan lemak dalam Hati.
64. Membesarkan saiz buah pinggang.
65. Memberikan tekanan tinggi kepada pankreas dan akan merosakkannya.
66. Meningkatkan retensi cecair dalam badan.
67. Penyebab sembelit.
68. Penyebab rabun jauh.
69. Penyebab lapisan rerambut.
70. Penyebab hipertensi.
71. Penyebab sakit kepala.
72. Menganggu kemampuan berfikir.
73. Penyebab kemurungan.
74. Meningkatkan tindak balas insulin.
75. Penyebab penapaian bakteria dalam usus.
76. Penyebab ketidak seimbangan hormon.
77. Meningkatkan risiko darah beku dalam badan.
78. Meningkatkan risiko sakit Alzheimer.
Kenapa sesetengah makanan yang senarai bahan-bahannya tiada ditulis gula tapi masih manis?Jangan terpedaya! Gula biasanya akan dinamakan dengan nama lain seperti: Glukosa, Fruktosa, Laktosa, Maltosa, Sukrosa, Sirap Glukosa, Sirap maple, Molases, Sirap hitam, Sirap kencana, Dektrosa, Sorbitol.
Berapa banyak gula yang ada dalam makanan dan minuman?
1) Minuman bergas 500ml - 14.4 sudu teh;
2) Minuman dalam tin tanpa gas 350ml - 9.6 sudu teh;
3) Minuman coklat malt dalam tin 125ml - 5.5 sudu teh;
4) Kek buah-buahan 40g - 3.5 sudu teh;
5) Bijirin sarapan bersalu madu 220g - 10.1 sudu teh;
6) Ubat batuk botol kecil di farmasi - 15.8 sudu teh;
7) Aiskrim coklat sepotong saiz biasa - 7.7 sudu teh;
8) Sundae restoran makanan segera - 10.3 sudu teh;
9) Rempah ayam segera satu pek - 4.7 sudu teh;
10) Minuman berkultur satu botol kecil - 2.7 sudu teh;
11) Susu pekat manis dalam tin kecil - 35.5 sudu>> teh!
Kenapa Malaysia diletakkan sebagai pengguna terbanyak gula di dunia? Ini dikira rekod dunia! Walaupun pasukan bola sepak kita tidak berjaya, namun kita nampaknya masih dikenali di dunia. Negara kita adalah paling gemuk di Asia dan mempunyai pesakit Kencing Manis yang paling ramai di dunia! Bangga? Kita sebenarnya dalam diam diancam. Lihatlah orang yang paling kaya di Malaysia! Taukeh gula! Negara kita seperti darurat apabila gula disorokkan baru-baru ini. Di Jepun, gula kilo tiada dijual, amat sukar untuk jumpa gula. Susu pekat manis jauh sekali. Tapi di Malaysia, kita sebenarnya terancam dengan keadaan dan sosio-ekonomi. Minum teh tarik di kedai mamak, disogok iklan-iklan makanan segera hingga menyebabkan anak kita merengek meminta untuk dibelikan set yang didatangkan bersama minuman bergas (gula 9 sudu teh!). Berhati-hati. Saya ingin menyarankan agar kita semua ambil tahu tentang kesihatan diri sendiri. Jika kita sakit, bukan sahaja diri sendiri susah, tetapi kita akan menyusahkan orang lain yang bergantung kepada kita. Sekurang-kurangnya kita mulakan dengan tidak makan gula! Selangkah demi selangkah!
"Kita adalah apa yang kita makan".
Sources: (Wrote by Chef from the famous hotel…)
Dear All
Happy reading to all………….Good info about sugar that we should know. I got from some journal community in the internet (Wrote by Chef from the famous hotel…)
Apakah sebenarnya gula? Gula adalah makanan tanpa khasiat yang paling banyak dimakan dan memudaratkan. Gula cuma menambah kalori dan akan disimpan sebagai lemak di dalam tubuh. Ia tidak langsung berzat malah akan menyingkirkan zat yang sedia ada dalam tubuh. Gula juga adalah penyebab utama kegemukkan! Adakah badan kita perlukan gula? Tidak perlu langsung! Ini kerana tubuh kita akan menukarkan banyak sumber makanan yang lain kepada glukosa apabila badan perlukan tenaga.
Apakah kesan jika ambil gula berlebihan?
1. Melemahkan sistem imunisasi (melawan penyakit)
2. Menganggu imbangan galian dalam tubuh.
3. Menyebabkan kanak-kanak menjadi hiperaktif, gelisah dan nakal.
4. Menyebabkan kanak-kanak rasa mengantuk dan mengurangkan kecergasan
5. Menjejaskan pencapaian kanak-kanak dalam pelajaran.
6. Meningkatkan paras trigliserid
7. Melemahkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap jangkitan bakteria.
8. Merosakkan buah pinggang.
9. Mengurangkan kolesterol yang baik (HDLs).
10. Mengalakkan pertumbuhan kolesterol bahaya (LDLs).
11. Mengurangkan kromium dalam badan.
12. Mengurangkan kuprum dalam badan.
13. Menganggu serapan kalsium dan magnesium oleh sistem badan.
14. Menyebabkan kanser payu dara, kanser ovari, kanser prostat dan kanser dubur.
15. Menyebabkan kanser kolon (usus besar) dan wanita amat berisiko tinggi.
16. Faktor kepada kanser pundi hempedu.
17. Meningkatkan pasar glukosa dalam darah dengan cepat.
18. Melemahkan penglihatan.
19. Meningkatkan paras serotonin yang menyempitkan pembuluh darah.
20. Penyebab hipoglisemia.
21. Penyebab perut berasid.
22. Meningkatkan paras adrenalin dikalangan kanak-kanak.
23. Meningkatkan risiko penyakit jantung koronari.
24. Mempercepat proses penuaan, kulit berkedut, uban pada rambut.
25. Membawa kepada ketagihan alkohol.
26. Merosakkan gigi.
27. Penyumbang utama kegemukkan.
28. Meningkatkan risiko penyakit Crohn dan kolitis berulser.
29. Penyebab bengkak saluran usus dikalangan pesakit gastrik.
30. Penyebab artritis.
31. Penyebab lelah.
32. Pembentukan batu dalam ginjal.
33. Penyebab jangkitan yis atau kandidiasis.
34. Penyebab pembentukan batu karang hempedu.
35. Penyebab sakit jantung iskemik.
36. Penyebab sakit apendiks.
37. Meransang tanda-tanda multiple sclerosis.
38. Penyebab pendarahan.
39. Penyebab Vena Varikos.
40. Meningkatkan tindak balas glukosa dan insulin kepada pengamal pil cegah hamil.
41. Penyebab sakit gusi.
42. Penyumbang kepada Osteoporosis.
43. Penyebab air liur menjadi berasid.
44. Penyebab kemerosotan sensitiviti Insulin.
45. Penyebab kemerosotan toleransi Glukosa>.
46. Mengurangkan hormon tumbesaran.
47. Meningkatkan kolesterol dalam badan.
48. Meningkatkan tekanan darah sistolik.
49. Menyebabkan struktur protein bertukar hingga menganggu serapan protein oleh tubuh.
50. Penyebab alergi terhadap makanan.
51. Penyumbang kepada sakit kencing manis.
52. Penyebab keracunan darah semasa hamil.
53. Penyebab ekzema kepada kanak-kanak.
54. Penyebab penyakit kardiovaskular.
55. Melemahkan struktur DNA.
56. Penyebab Katarak.
57. Penyebab Emfisema.
58. Penyebab arteriosclerosis.
59. Penyebab pembentukan radikal bebas dalam aliran darah.
60. Merendahkan kemampuan enzim.
61. Penyebab kehilangan keanjalan tisu serta fungsinya.
62. Penyebab sel hati terbahagi dan ini akan meningkatkan saiz hati.
63. Meningkatkan lemak dalam Hati.
64. Membesarkan saiz buah pinggang.
65. Memberikan tekanan tinggi kepada pankreas dan akan merosakkannya.
66. Meningkatkan retensi cecair dalam badan.
67. Penyebab sembelit.
68. Penyebab rabun jauh.
69. Penyebab lapisan rerambut.
70. Penyebab hipertensi.
71. Penyebab sakit kepala.
72. Menganggu kemampuan berfikir.
73. Penyebab kemurungan.
74. Meningkatkan tindak balas insulin.
75. Penyebab penapaian bakteria dalam usus.
76. Penyebab ketidak seimbangan hormon.
77. Meningkatkan risiko darah beku dalam badan.
78. Meningkatkan risiko sakit Alzheimer.
Kenapa sesetengah makanan yang senarai bahan-bahannya tiada ditulis gula tapi masih manis?Jangan terpedaya! Gula biasanya akan dinamakan dengan nama lain seperti: Glukosa, Fruktosa, Laktosa, Maltosa, Sukrosa, Sirap Glukosa, Sirap maple, Molases, Sirap hitam, Sirap kencana, Dektrosa, Sorbitol.
Berapa banyak gula yang ada dalam makanan dan minuman?
1) Minuman bergas 500ml - 14.4 sudu teh;
2) Minuman dalam tin tanpa gas 350ml - 9.6 sudu teh;
3) Minuman coklat malt dalam tin 125ml - 5.5 sudu teh;
4) Kek buah-buahan 40g - 3.5 sudu teh;
5) Bijirin sarapan bersalu madu 220g - 10.1 sudu teh;
6) Ubat batuk botol kecil di farmasi - 15.8 sudu teh;
7) Aiskrim coklat sepotong saiz biasa - 7.7 sudu teh;
8) Sundae restoran makanan segera - 10.3 sudu teh;
9) Rempah ayam segera satu pek - 4.7 sudu teh;
10) Minuman berkultur satu botol kecil - 2.7 sudu teh;
11) Susu pekat manis dalam tin kecil - 35.5 sudu>> teh!
Kenapa Malaysia diletakkan sebagai pengguna terbanyak gula di dunia? Ini dikira rekod dunia! Walaupun pasukan bola sepak kita tidak berjaya, namun kita nampaknya masih dikenali di dunia. Negara kita adalah paling gemuk di Asia dan mempunyai pesakit Kencing Manis yang paling ramai di dunia! Bangga? Kita sebenarnya dalam diam diancam. Lihatlah orang yang paling kaya di Malaysia! Taukeh gula! Negara kita seperti darurat apabila gula disorokkan baru-baru ini. Di Jepun, gula kilo tiada dijual, amat sukar untuk jumpa gula. Susu pekat manis jauh sekali. Tapi di Malaysia, kita sebenarnya terancam dengan keadaan dan sosio-ekonomi. Minum teh tarik di kedai mamak, disogok iklan-iklan makanan segera hingga menyebabkan anak kita merengek meminta untuk dibelikan set yang didatangkan bersama minuman bergas (gula 9 sudu teh!). Berhati-hati. Saya ingin menyarankan agar kita semua ambil tahu tentang kesihatan diri sendiri. Jika kita sakit, bukan sahaja diri sendiri susah, tetapi kita akan menyusahkan orang lain yang bergantung kepada kita. Sekurang-kurangnya kita mulakan dengan tidak makan gula! Selangkah demi selangkah!
"Kita adalah apa yang kita makan".
Sources: (Wrote by Chef from the famous hotel…)
Books Section
Handbook of Standards and Guidelines in Ergonomics and Human Factors [Human Factors/Ergonomics] [Hardcover]
Book Description
ISBN-10: 0805841296 | ISBN-13: 978-0805841299 | Publication Date: December
16, 2005 | Edition: 1
A comprehensive review of international and national standards and guidelines, this
handbook consists of 32 chapters divided into nine sections that cover standardization efforts, anthropometry and working postures, designing manual material, human-computer interaction, occupational health and safety, legal protection, military human factor standards, and sources for human factors and ergonomics standards.
The book delineates the role standards and guidelines play in facilitating the design and optimal working conditions in regards to occupational safety and health as well as system performance in the context of technological advances and opportunities for economic development worldwide.
Product Details
Hardcover: 640 pages
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1 edition (December 16, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0805841296
ISBN-13: 978-0805841299
Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.1 x 1.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,223,502 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
**Book for reference only :More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
Book Description
ISBN-10: 0805841296 | ISBN-13: 978-0805841299 | Publication Date: December
16, 2005 | Edition: 1
A comprehensive review of international and national standards and guidelines, this
handbook consists of 32 chapters divided into nine sections that cover standardization efforts, anthropometry and working postures, designing manual material, human-computer interaction, occupational health and safety, legal protection, military human factor standards, and sources for human factors and ergonomics standards.
The book delineates the role standards and guidelines play in facilitating the design and optimal working conditions in regards to occupational safety and health as well as system performance in the context of technological advances and opportunities for economic development worldwide.
Product Details
Hardcover: 640 pages
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1 edition (December 16, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0805841296
ISBN-13: 978-0805841299
Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.1 x 1.6 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.7 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #2,223,502 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
**Book for reference only :More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
Baca label makanan bentuk hidup sihat
PEPATAH mengatakan jika anda berikan seekor ikan kepada seseorang, anda memberi makanan kepadanya untuk sehari.
Bagaimanapun, jika anda mengajar dia memancing ini bererti anda memberi makan kepadanya untuk sepanjang hayat.
Saya berpendapat pendekatan sama perlu digunakan dalam soal pemakanan manakala usaha berterusan dilakukan untuk menggalakkan masyarakat mengamalkan gaya pemakanan sihat.
Jika anda mendidik sikap membaca label makanan dalam kalangan masyarakat, menggalakkan mereka memilih makanan sihat ketika membeli dan membantu mereka merancang menu untuk seminggu, anda sebenarnya membekalkan kemahiran sepanjang hayat supaya mereka dapat membuat keputusan bijak dan sihat mengenai gaya pemakanan.
Mempelajari amalan pemakanan sihat sebenarnya berpunca daripada membuat keputusan penting. Contohnya, adakah anda membuat pilihan mengenai jenis makanan dan sebanyak mana anda mahu makan?
Pun begitu, kebanyakan keputusan ini bukan dibuat pada waktu hendak makan, sebaliknya lama sebelum anda duduk di meja makan, iaitu bermula sejak anda menyediakan senarai membeli-belah sehinggalah ke saat anda berada di pasar raya, kedai runcit atau pasar,
dan pulang ke rumah untuk memasak (atau dimasak oleh pembantu rumah).
Inisiatif The Healthy Eating Through Healthy Shopping (Amalan Pemakanan Sihat Melalui Gaya Beli-Belah Sihat) di pasar raya yang dilancarkan pada Oktober 2011, adalah cara terbaik untuk membantu rakyat pada peringkat penting ini dalam proses membuat
Dalam kempen berinovatif ini yang dijangka dilancarkan berperingkat di pasar raya tempatan seperti Giant, Jaya Jusco dan Mydin di seluruh Malaysia, pakar pemakanan dijadualkan membimbing orang ramai membuat pilihan jenis makanan yang lebih sihat di seksyen makanan terpilih pasar raya dan memberi nasihat kepada mereka menerusi pengalaman yang dipanggil lawatan pasar raya.
Ketika lawatan ini pakar pemakanan yang bertugas akan membantu membawa sekumpulan pembeli yang terpilih ke lima seksyen makanan iaitu beras, buah-buahan dan sayur, ikan, susu dan minyak. Lima seksyen ini mewakili lima kumpulan makanan dalam Piramid
Makanan Malaysia.
Ketika dibawa melawat pada pelancaran kempen itu, pakar pemakanan yang bertugas menjelaskan kepada saya dengan teliti mengenai keperluan nutrisi berasaskan Piramid Makanan Malaysia, ukuran hidangan, pertukaran makanan dan bagaimana untuk membuat pilihan lebih sihat di antara semua makanan yang ada di seksyen makanan yang terpilih itu.
Mereka juga menunjukkan kepada saya bagaimana untuk membaca label pada bungkusan makanan dan membandingkan nilai khasiat pelbagai produk berbeza yang ada di situ.
Walaupun saya adalah pakar nutrisi terlatih, saya dapati tip itu menjadi peringatan yang amat berguna - apatah lagi bagi pembeli biasa.
Minda kita tidak sentiasa fokus apabila membeli barang runcit. Biasanya ada banyak faktor yang membuat kita lupa mengenai 'prinsip pemakanan sihat' kita, seperti apabila anak mendesak kita supaya membelikan barang itu atau ini untuk mereka, terkeliru dengan pelbagai jenis barang yang ada di pasaran atau rasa tertekan kerana tergesa-gesa kesibukan.
Dengan adanya pakar pemakanan di sisi apabila kita membeli-belah ia akan membantu kita supaya jangan tergesa-gesa dan berfikir terlebih dulu, bukan sekadar mencampakkan barang dalam bakul atau troli.
Malah adalah lebih baik jika anda membuat senarai berasaskan perancangan menu anda untuk seminggu sebelum anda keluar rumah.
Apabila setiap hidangan makan dirancang, ia membolehkan anda menentukan jenis juadah lebih sihat untuk dimasak, apakah jenis bahan yang anda perlukan, malah membantu anda menjimatkan masa dan kos bila pergi membeli-belah.
Saya perhatikan ramai orang yang pergi membeli-belah tanpa senarai barang runcit, justeru, mereka terdorong mengikut perasaan. Mereka memilih barang sesuka hati atau kerana tertarik dengan pembungkusan yang cantik berwarna-warni. Golongan ini biasanya membeli produk yang tidak diperlukan, pada masa sama mencari barangan jualan murah yang mungkin mempunyai nilai nutrisi lebih rendah.
Apabila tabiat membuat perancangan, menyediakan senarai membeli-belah dan membuat pilihan rasional di pasar raya sudah menjadi kebiasaan, anda akan dapati ia menjadi suatu rutin dan lama-kelamaan suatu amalan sepanjang hayat.
Malah adalah lebih baik jika anda membuat senarai berasaskan perancangan menu anda untuk seminggu sebelum anda keluar rumah. Apabila setiap hidangan makan dirancang, ia membolehkan anda menentukan jenis juadah lebih sihat untuk dimasak, apakah
jenis bahan yang anda perlukan, malah membantu anda menjimatkan masa dan kos bila pergi membeli-belah.
Saya perhatikan ramai orang yang pergi membeli-belah tanpa senarai barang runcit, justeru, mereka terdorong mengikut perasaan.
Mereka memilih barang sesuka hati atau kerana tertarik dengan pembungkusan yang cantik berwarna-warni. Golongan ini biasanya membeli produk yang tidak diperlukan, pada masa sama mencari barangan jualan murah yang mungkin mempunyai nilai nutrisi lebih rendah.
Apabila tabiat membuat perancangan, menyediakan senarai membeli-belah dan membuat pilihan rasional di pasar raya sudah menjadi kebiasaan, anda akan dapati ia menjadi suatu rutin dan lama-kelamaan suatu amalan sepanjang hayat.
Dengan mendedahkan anak kita kepada proses dan bahan makanan yang mereka makan, kita boleh salurkan pengetahuan kepada mereka supaya mereka lebih faham, bukan sekadar memberitahu mereka apa yang boleh dibuat dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan.
Apa yang kita pelajari di pasar raya hanyalah permulaan, tetapi ia langkah penting untuk mencapai matlamat lebih besar, iaitu gaya hidup sihat.
Kita boleh aplikasikan prinsip ini dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan kita bila kita sentiasa perlu membuat keputusan yang akan membawa perbezaan besar terhadap kesihatan kita.
* Penulis ialah Menteri Kesihatan (www.liowtionglai.com/blog) atau Twitter (@liowtionglai)
Dipetik dari akhbar Berita Harian; 2 November , 2011; Page number: 022
Byline / Author: Oleh Liow Tiong Lai
Bagaimanapun, jika anda mengajar dia memancing ini bererti anda memberi makan kepadanya untuk sepanjang hayat.
Saya berpendapat pendekatan sama perlu digunakan dalam soal pemakanan manakala usaha berterusan dilakukan untuk menggalakkan masyarakat mengamalkan gaya pemakanan sihat.
Jika anda mendidik sikap membaca label makanan dalam kalangan masyarakat, menggalakkan mereka memilih makanan sihat ketika membeli dan membantu mereka merancang menu untuk seminggu, anda sebenarnya membekalkan kemahiran sepanjang hayat supaya mereka dapat membuat keputusan bijak dan sihat mengenai gaya pemakanan.
Mempelajari amalan pemakanan sihat sebenarnya berpunca daripada membuat keputusan penting. Contohnya, adakah anda membuat pilihan mengenai jenis makanan dan sebanyak mana anda mahu makan?
Pun begitu, kebanyakan keputusan ini bukan dibuat pada waktu hendak makan, sebaliknya lama sebelum anda duduk di meja makan, iaitu bermula sejak anda menyediakan senarai membeli-belah sehinggalah ke saat anda berada di pasar raya, kedai runcit atau pasar,
dan pulang ke rumah untuk memasak (atau dimasak oleh pembantu rumah).
Inisiatif The Healthy Eating Through Healthy Shopping (Amalan Pemakanan Sihat Melalui Gaya Beli-Belah Sihat) di pasar raya yang dilancarkan pada Oktober 2011, adalah cara terbaik untuk membantu rakyat pada peringkat penting ini dalam proses membuat
Dalam kempen berinovatif ini yang dijangka dilancarkan berperingkat di pasar raya tempatan seperti Giant, Jaya Jusco dan Mydin di seluruh Malaysia, pakar pemakanan dijadualkan membimbing orang ramai membuat pilihan jenis makanan yang lebih sihat di seksyen makanan terpilih pasar raya dan memberi nasihat kepada mereka menerusi pengalaman yang dipanggil lawatan pasar raya.
Ketika lawatan ini pakar pemakanan yang bertugas akan membantu membawa sekumpulan pembeli yang terpilih ke lima seksyen makanan iaitu beras, buah-buahan dan sayur, ikan, susu dan minyak. Lima seksyen ini mewakili lima kumpulan makanan dalam Piramid
Makanan Malaysia.
Ketika dibawa melawat pada pelancaran kempen itu, pakar pemakanan yang bertugas menjelaskan kepada saya dengan teliti mengenai keperluan nutrisi berasaskan Piramid Makanan Malaysia, ukuran hidangan, pertukaran makanan dan bagaimana untuk membuat pilihan lebih sihat di antara semua makanan yang ada di seksyen makanan yang terpilih itu.
Mereka juga menunjukkan kepada saya bagaimana untuk membaca label pada bungkusan makanan dan membandingkan nilai khasiat pelbagai produk berbeza yang ada di situ.
Walaupun saya adalah pakar nutrisi terlatih, saya dapati tip itu menjadi peringatan yang amat berguna - apatah lagi bagi pembeli biasa.
Minda kita tidak sentiasa fokus apabila membeli barang runcit. Biasanya ada banyak faktor yang membuat kita lupa mengenai 'prinsip pemakanan sihat' kita, seperti apabila anak mendesak kita supaya membelikan barang itu atau ini untuk mereka, terkeliru dengan pelbagai jenis barang yang ada di pasaran atau rasa tertekan kerana tergesa-gesa kesibukan.
Dengan adanya pakar pemakanan di sisi apabila kita membeli-belah ia akan membantu kita supaya jangan tergesa-gesa dan berfikir terlebih dulu, bukan sekadar mencampakkan barang dalam bakul atau troli.
Malah adalah lebih baik jika anda membuat senarai berasaskan perancangan menu anda untuk seminggu sebelum anda keluar rumah.
Apabila setiap hidangan makan dirancang, ia membolehkan anda menentukan jenis juadah lebih sihat untuk dimasak, apakah jenis bahan yang anda perlukan, malah membantu anda menjimatkan masa dan kos bila pergi membeli-belah.
Saya perhatikan ramai orang yang pergi membeli-belah tanpa senarai barang runcit, justeru, mereka terdorong mengikut perasaan. Mereka memilih barang sesuka hati atau kerana tertarik dengan pembungkusan yang cantik berwarna-warni. Golongan ini biasanya membeli produk yang tidak diperlukan, pada masa sama mencari barangan jualan murah yang mungkin mempunyai nilai nutrisi lebih rendah.
Apabila tabiat membuat perancangan, menyediakan senarai membeli-belah dan membuat pilihan rasional di pasar raya sudah menjadi kebiasaan, anda akan dapati ia menjadi suatu rutin dan lama-kelamaan suatu amalan sepanjang hayat.
Malah adalah lebih baik jika anda membuat senarai berasaskan perancangan menu anda untuk seminggu sebelum anda keluar rumah. Apabila setiap hidangan makan dirancang, ia membolehkan anda menentukan jenis juadah lebih sihat untuk dimasak, apakah
jenis bahan yang anda perlukan, malah membantu anda menjimatkan masa dan kos bila pergi membeli-belah.
Saya perhatikan ramai orang yang pergi membeli-belah tanpa senarai barang runcit, justeru, mereka terdorong mengikut perasaan.
Mereka memilih barang sesuka hati atau kerana tertarik dengan pembungkusan yang cantik berwarna-warni. Golongan ini biasanya membeli produk yang tidak diperlukan, pada masa sama mencari barangan jualan murah yang mungkin mempunyai nilai nutrisi lebih rendah.
Apabila tabiat membuat perancangan, menyediakan senarai membeli-belah dan membuat pilihan rasional di pasar raya sudah menjadi kebiasaan, anda akan dapati ia menjadi suatu rutin dan lama-kelamaan suatu amalan sepanjang hayat.
Dengan mendedahkan anak kita kepada proses dan bahan makanan yang mereka makan, kita boleh salurkan pengetahuan kepada mereka supaya mereka lebih faham, bukan sekadar memberitahu mereka apa yang boleh dibuat dan apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan.
Apa yang kita pelajari di pasar raya hanyalah permulaan, tetapi ia langkah penting untuk mencapai matlamat lebih besar, iaitu gaya hidup sihat.
Kita boleh aplikasikan prinsip ini dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan kita bila kita sentiasa perlu membuat keputusan yang akan membawa perbezaan besar terhadap kesihatan kita.
* Penulis ialah Menteri Kesihatan (www.liowtionglai.com/blog) atau Twitter (@liowtionglai)
Dipetik dari akhbar Berita Harian; 2 November , 2011; Page number: 022
Byline / Author: Oleh Liow Tiong Lai
Books Section
Editorial Reviews
„The latest revisions will ensure it remains one of the core texts for undergraduates on construction management courses.‟
„This well established text is a must for all who aim to become proficient in construction management‟
„The authors have a refreshingly pragmatic approach to the application of theoretical techniques.‟ Building
… both comprehensive and practical in its approach ... it represents an excellent training manual and reference book.‟
Product Description
This well established undergraduate textbook has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover the latest practices in PFI/PPP, risk management, supply networks, sustainability, lean construction, KPIs, and value management.
Modern Construction Management now addresses in particular the contractor's role - often neglected in other textbooks - and throughout it emphasises essential skills and core topics for career development and progression in construction.
Two substantial chapters are devoted to self-learning with problems, worked examples and tutorial exercises and the book's comprehensive, clear and pragmatic approach ensures it retains its position as the core textbook for students of construction management, civil engineering and quantity surveying.
The material in the book is supported with a comprehensive list of questions and solutions that can be employed as a learning aid. These can be found at
Frank Harris III (Author), Ronald McCaffer (Author), Francis Edum-Fotwe (Author)
Product Details
Paperback: 680 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 6 edition (September 14, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1405133252
ISBN-13: 978-1405133258
Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.8 x 1.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,568,972 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
**Book for reference only :More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
Editorial Reviews
„The latest revisions will ensure it remains one of the core texts for undergraduates on construction management courses.‟
„This well established text is a must for all who aim to become proficient in construction management‟
„The authors have a refreshingly pragmatic approach to the application of theoretical techniques.‟ Building
… both comprehensive and practical in its approach ... it represents an excellent training manual and reference book.‟
Product Description
This well established undergraduate textbook has been thoroughly revised and updated to cover the latest practices in PFI/PPP, risk management, supply networks, sustainability, lean construction, KPIs, and value management.
Modern Construction Management now addresses in particular the contractor's role - often neglected in other textbooks - and throughout it emphasises essential skills and core topics for career development and progression in construction.
Two substantial chapters are devoted to self-learning with problems, worked examples and tutorial exercises and the book's comprehensive, clear and pragmatic approach ensures it retains its position as the core textbook for students of construction management, civil engineering and quantity surveying.
The material in the book is supported with a comprehensive list of questions and solutions that can be employed as a learning aid. These can be found at
Frank Harris III (Author), Ronald McCaffer (Author), Francis Edum-Fotwe (Author)
Product Details
Paperback: 680 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 6 edition (September 14, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1405133252
ISBN-13: 978-1405133258
Product Dimensions: 9.5 x 6.8 x 1.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.9 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,568,972 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
**Book for reference only :More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
Regang Otot Elak Cedera
KITA melakukan aktiviti aerobik untuk meningkatkan kecergasan kardiovaskular, membakar lemak selain membuat latihan bebanan untuk mengekalkan otot sebenar dan membina kekuatan.
Rutin itu menjadi antara komponen utama dalam program kecergasan, sama ada anda setuju atau tidak. Ini adalah antara komponen penting dan terangkum dalam setiap jenis senaman.
Sebenarnya, ada tiga komponen utama dalam senaman, namun sering kali kita mengambil mudah mengenai soal regangan.
Pengabaian terhadap soal regangan amat dikesali. Latihan regangan memberi lebih kebebasan dari segi pergerakan dan memperbetulkan bentuk badan.
Ia juga meningkatkan ketenangan fizikal dan mental selain mengurangkan ketegangan otot, lenguh badan dan mengurangkan risiko kecederaan.
Segelintir individu dianugerahkan kelenturan yang lebih dan ini ditentukan oleh faktor genetik, umur, jantina dan tahap aktiviti fizikal.
Semakin meningkatnya usia seseorang, maka daya kelenturan juga akan berkurangan. Kebiasaannya ini adalah hasil daripada ketidakaktifan lebih daripada proses penuaan.
Jika kita kurang aktif dalam melakukan aktiviti fizikal begini, maka lebih kuranglah kelenturan akan berlaku.
Sebelum melakukan regangan, ambil beberapa minit untuk memanaskan otot yang sejuk. Mulakan dengan mudah, hanya berjalan dan menggerakkan tangan dalam pergerakan membulat.
Ambil masa selama lima hingga 10 minit untuk memanaskan badan sebelum melakukan regangan. Ingat, apabila melakukan regangan mulakan dengan perlahan, hembuskan nafas apabila anda regangkan otot dengan lembut.
Cuba kekalkan regangan otot sekurang-kurangnya 10 hingga 30 saat.
Namun, dalam melakukan regangan, ada beberapa perkara yang harus anda elak seperti jangan bounce ketika melakukan regangan.
Pegunkan regangan adalah lebih efektif dan mengurangkan risiko kecederaan.
Jangan regangkan otot yang tidak dipanaskan dan usah desak otot terlalu jauh. Jika terasa sakit, kendurkan tekanan dan jangan tahan nafas.
Masa yang singkat menyebabkan ramai orang mengabaikannya dan ada juga mengakui mereka tidak mempunyai masa untuk melakukan regangan.
Disarankan sekurang-kurangnya masa diperuntukkan untuk latihan ini dilakukan 30 minit sebanyak tiga kali seminggu. Lima minit regangan selepas habis sesi latihan adalah lebih baik dari tidak melakukannya langsung.
Ada beberapa tip untuk memastikan regangan dapat dilakukan. Jika anda tidak mempunyai masa yang cukup untuk memanaskan badan sebelum regangan, cuba lakukan beberapa regangan sejurus selepas mandi atau berendam dalam air panas.
Panas menyebabkan suhu yang sesuai untuk regangan sebenar. Selain itu, cuba beberapa teknik regangan mudah sebelum bangun dari katil semasa bangun pagi.
Bangkit dengan regangan menyeluruh badan dengan melunjur jari kaki dan menggapai tangan ke atas kepala. Ini dapat membantu memulakan pagi anda dengan hebat.
Selain itu, ada sangat digalakkan untuk mengikuti kelas regangan seperti yoga atau tai-chi.
Dipetik dari akhbar Berita Harian, 5 November 2011, page number: 013
Rutin itu menjadi antara komponen utama dalam program kecergasan, sama ada anda setuju atau tidak. Ini adalah antara komponen penting dan terangkum dalam setiap jenis senaman.
Sebenarnya, ada tiga komponen utama dalam senaman, namun sering kali kita mengambil mudah mengenai soal regangan.
Pengabaian terhadap soal regangan amat dikesali. Latihan regangan memberi lebih kebebasan dari segi pergerakan dan memperbetulkan bentuk badan.
Ia juga meningkatkan ketenangan fizikal dan mental selain mengurangkan ketegangan otot, lenguh badan dan mengurangkan risiko kecederaan.
Segelintir individu dianugerahkan kelenturan yang lebih dan ini ditentukan oleh faktor genetik, umur, jantina dan tahap aktiviti fizikal.
Semakin meningkatnya usia seseorang, maka daya kelenturan juga akan berkurangan. Kebiasaannya ini adalah hasil daripada ketidakaktifan lebih daripada proses penuaan.
Jika kita kurang aktif dalam melakukan aktiviti fizikal begini, maka lebih kuranglah kelenturan akan berlaku.
Sebelum melakukan regangan, ambil beberapa minit untuk memanaskan otot yang sejuk. Mulakan dengan mudah, hanya berjalan dan menggerakkan tangan dalam pergerakan membulat.
Ambil masa selama lima hingga 10 minit untuk memanaskan badan sebelum melakukan regangan. Ingat, apabila melakukan regangan mulakan dengan perlahan, hembuskan nafas apabila anda regangkan otot dengan lembut.
Cuba kekalkan regangan otot sekurang-kurangnya 10 hingga 30 saat.
Namun, dalam melakukan regangan, ada beberapa perkara yang harus anda elak seperti jangan bounce ketika melakukan regangan.
Pegunkan regangan adalah lebih efektif dan mengurangkan risiko kecederaan.
Jangan regangkan otot yang tidak dipanaskan dan usah desak otot terlalu jauh. Jika terasa sakit, kendurkan tekanan dan jangan tahan nafas.
Masa yang singkat menyebabkan ramai orang mengabaikannya dan ada juga mengakui mereka tidak mempunyai masa untuk melakukan regangan.
Disarankan sekurang-kurangnya masa diperuntukkan untuk latihan ini dilakukan 30 minit sebanyak tiga kali seminggu. Lima minit regangan selepas habis sesi latihan adalah lebih baik dari tidak melakukannya langsung.
Ada beberapa tip untuk memastikan regangan dapat dilakukan. Jika anda tidak mempunyai masa yang cukup untuk memanaskan badan sebelum regangan, cuba lakukan beberapa regangan sejurus selepas mandi atau berendam dalam air panas.
Panas menyebabkan suhu yang sesuai untuk regangan sebenar. Selain itu, cuba beberapa teknik regangan mudah sebelum bangun dari katil semasa bangun pagi.
Bangkit dengan regangan menyeluruh badan dengan melunjur jari kaki dan menggapai tangan ke atas kepala. Ini dapat membantu memulakan pagi anda dengan hebat.
Selain itu, ada sangat digalakkan untuk mengikuti kelas regangan seperti yoga atau tai-chi.
Dipetik dari akhbar Berita Harian, 5 November 2011, page number: 013
Friday, December 2, 2011
Commercial Buildings and Possible Causes Of Indoor Air Pollution: Air Fresheners
Air Fresheners are a common commercial product used to create a pleasant smelling and clean indoor atmosphere in homes
and businesses. They are known to contain a number of different chemical agents in order to neutralize offensive odors and
create a more pleasant scent. The basic ingredients in air fresheners are formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, 1,4
dichlorobenzene and aerosol propellants. Recently many of these chemicals have been investigated for their safety. Some
common chemicals found in air fresheners have been found to be toxic to humans and may increase the incidence of many
different health problems. Natural and healthy air fresheners are now being used as alternatives to conventional air fresheners
in order to minimize health hazards and environmental pollution.
Best Practices
Enhance Ventilation - Good ventilation systems reduce the need for air fresheners by eliminating the need to mask odors and naturally eliminates unpleasant odors. Air fresheners cannot substitute for good ventilation.
Minimize Air Freshener Use - Air fresheners only mask the offensive odors and do not remove them. Avoid using air fresheners as often, but when necessary use as little as possible in order to reduce the amount of hazardous chemicals in the
air. Air fresheners should only be programmed to run if needed and should only be used for odors that are unable to avoid.
Use Natural and Safe Air Freshener Alternatives - Many products are available that offer healthy alternatives to commercial air fresheners. Organic soy and beeswax candles, natural potpourri, fresh flowers or herbs, natural essential oils,
environmentally friendly non-aerosol pump sprays, and baking soda are all safe alternatives. Businesses that are looking to find non-toxic air fresheners should investigate available products to ensure their safety. Currently, regulations do not require manufacturers to list ingredients or require them to perform health and safety testing. Businesses and consumers should be
aware of this and should take time to find air fresheners that are known to be safe.
Use Low-level Phthalate Air Fresheners - Use air freshener products known to have low levels of phthalates and other hazardous chemicals present in order to reduce potential health risks. Most products do not have labels that inform consumers
of the presence of toxic chemicals. Consumers should be aware that the majority of air fresheners contain at least a low level of these dangerous chemicals and should understand that they are using them at their own risk.
References : http://toxipedia.org/display/toxipedia/Air+Fresheners
Air Fresheners are a common commercial product used to create a pleasant smelling and clean indoor atmosphere in homes
and businesses. They are known to contain a number of different chemical agents in order to neutralize offensive odors and
create a more pleasant scent. The basic ingredients in air fresheners are formaldehyde, petroleum distillates, 1,4
dichlorobenzene and aerosol propellants. Recently many of these chemicals have been investigated for their safety. Some
common chemicals found in air fresheners have been found to be toxic to humans and may increase the incidence of many
different health problems. Natural and healthy air fresheners are now being used as alternatives to conventional air fresheners
in order to minimize health hazards and environmental pollution.
Best Practices
Enhance Ventilation - Good ventilation systems reduce the need for air fresheners by eliminating the need to mask odors and naturally eliminates unpleasant odors. Air fresheners cannot substitute for good ventilation.
Minimize Air Freshener Use - Air fresheners only mask the offensive odors and do not remove them. Avoid using air fresheners as often, but when necessary use as little as possible in order to reduce the amount of hazardous chemicals in the
air. Air fresheners should only be programmed to run if needed and should only be used for odors that are unable to avoid.
Use Natural and Safe Air Freshener Alternatives - Many products are available that offer healthy alternatives to commercial air fresheners. Organic soy and beeswax candles, natural potpourri, fresh flowers or herbs, natural essential oils,
environmentally friendly non-aerosol pump sprays, and baking soda are all safe alternatives. Businesses that are looking to find non-toxic air fresheners should investigate available products to ensure their safety. Currently, regulations do not require manufacturers to list ingredients or require them to perform health and safety testing. Businesses and consumers should be
aware of this and should take time to find air fresheners that are known to be safe.
Use Low-level Phthalate Air Fresheners - Use air freshener products known to have low levels of phthalates and other hazardous chemicals present in order to reduce potential health risks. Most products do not have labels that inform consumers
of the presence of toxic chemicals. Consumers should be aware that the majority of air fresheners contain at least a low level of these dangerous chemicals and should understand that they are using them at their own risk.
References : http://toxipedia.org/display/toxipedia/Air+Fresheners
Books Section
Writing and Designing Manuals and Warnings 4e (Hardcover)
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Twenty-five years ago, how many people were thinking about the internet on a daily basis? Now you can find everything, including technical and instruction manuals, online. But some things never change. Users still need instructions and warnings to guide them in the safe and proper use of products. Good design, clear instructions and warnings, placement of graphics, all the traditional elements hold true whether designing for print or online materials. And technical writers still need
those two most valuable commodities—time and information—to do their jobs well.
Another constant, Writing and Designing Manuals and Warnings, now in its fourth edition, offers real-world guidance based on real-world know-how for the development of product documentation.
See What’s New in the Fourth Edition:
New organization to clarify the principles of manual and warning development
Coverage of the digital revolution and the global marketplace
Expanded section on product safety and warnings
Information on international standards for warnings
Backed by Research and Collective Experience
Drawn from the collective experience of hundreds of technical writers, graphic artists, and product safety engineers, along with the author’s nearly 30 years of experience helping companies improve instructions and warnings, this how-to book covers every aspect of developing state-of-the-art product manuals and safety warnings. Filled with examples that show how good manuals and effective warnings can add value to your company’s products and build repeat business, while at the
same time reducing liability exposure, the text demonstrates how to create manuals that give products a competitive edge and improve customer satisfaction. Solidly grounded in research, but not a stuffy academic treatise, this down-to-earth, practical book is a survival guide for writers in the real world of short deadlines and tight budgets.
About the Author
Coranado Consulting Services, Wisconsin, USA
Product Details
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: CRC Press; 4 edition (June 15, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1420069845
ISBN-13: 978-1420069846
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.3 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,001,626 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
**Book for reference only :More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Twenty-five years ago, how many people were thinking about the internet on a daily basis? Now you can find everything, including technical and instruction manuals, online. But some things never change. Users still need instructions and warnings to guide them in the safe and proper use of products. Good design, clear instructions and warnings, placement of graphics, all the traditional elements hold true whether designing for print or online materials. And technical writers still need
those two most valuable commodities—time and information—to do their jobs well.
Another constant, Writing and Designing Manuals and Warnings, now in its fourth edition, offers real-world guidance based on real-world know-how for the development of product documentation.
See What’s New in the Fourth Edition:
New organization to clarify the principles of manual and warning development
Coverage of the digital revolution and the global marketplace
Expanded section on product safety and warnings
Information on international standards for warnings
Backed by Research and Collective Experience
Drawn from the collective experience of hundreds of technical writers, graphic artists, and product safety engineers, along with the author’s nearly 30 years of experience helping companies improve instructions and warnings, this how-to book covers every aspect of developing state-of-the-art product manuals and safety warnings. Filled with examples that show how good manuals and effective warnings can add value to your company’s products and build repeat business, while at the
same time reducing liability exposure, the text demonstrates how to create manuals that give products a competitive edge and improve customer satisfaction. Solidly grounded in research, but not a stuffy academic treatise, this down-to-earth, practical book is a survival guide for writers in the real world of short deadlines and tight budgets.
About the Author
Coranado Consulting Services, Wisconsin, USA
Product Details
Hardcover: 352 pages
Publisher: CRC Press; 4 edition (June 15, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1420069845
ISBN-13: 978-1420069846
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.3 x 1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,001,626 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
**Book for reference only :More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
What is diabetes?
Diabetes (also known as diabetes mellitus) is a condition in which the body either can't make or can't use insulin properly.
Insulin is a hormone normally produced by the pancreas. Insulin is very important because it regulates the sugar level in the blood, and it allows the body to use this sugar for energy. Without enough insulin, the body's cells can't get the energy they
need, the sugar level in the blood gets too high, and many problems can result. Diabetes is not curable, but, fortunately, it is treatable.
There are two main types of diabetes. They are known as type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes (also known as juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent diabetes) usually affects children and young adults. People with type 1 diabetes can't make insulin, so
they need to take insulin shots to stay alive.
Type 2 diabetes (also known as adult-onset or non insulin-dependent diabetes) is much more common than type 1 diabetes.
In fact 90-95% of diabetes is type 2. This type of diabetes is more common in people who are over the age of 40 and overweight. It also tends to run in families. People with type 2 diabetes make some insulin but either it's not enough, or their
bodies just aren't able to use it properly. Many people with type 2 diabetes can control their blood sugar with diet and oral medication, but some people also need to use insulin shots.
There are many complications that come from diabetes and poor blood sugar control. People with diabetes can develop nerve problems, kidney disorders, blindness, and severe infections. They also have a higher risk of coronary heart disease,
stroke and certain cancers, like pancreatic and uterine cancer. Each year almost 200,000 Americans die from diabetes and its complication.
Another Type of Diabetes: Gestational Diabetes
About 3-5 % of women develop diabetes during pregnancy, called gestational diabetes. Usually a temporary condition that goes goes away after giving birth, gestational diabetes can nevertheless cause problems for both mother and baby. Some
complications include certain types of birth defects, abnormally large babies, and an increased risk of caesarian section.
Even if the diabetes disappears after the baby is born, women who have had gestational diabetes also have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
How common is diabetes?
Diabetes is very common in the United States. Almost 16 million people have it, and the numbers are growing. Most people with diabetes have type 2.
Who is at risk of diabetes?
Anyone can develop diabetes, but most people that have diabetes are adults over the age of 40, and the risk increases with age. African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders are at higher risk of developing diabetes compared to whites. Also, people who are overweight, inactive, smoke or have family members with diabetes are at a higher risk.
How can you lower your risk of diabetes?
There are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing diabetes:
Maintain a healthy weight
Get regular exercise
Don't smoke
Eat a healthy diet that focuses on whole grains and "good" fats (like olive and canola oil)
Who should be screened?
Screening for diabetes is very important because millions of people have this disease and don't know it. Everyone age 45 and older should have their blood sugar checked by a doctor at least once every 3 years. People who are at higher risk may need to be tested earlier and more often. Screening is easy with simple blood and urine tests that can have important benefits. If you find out you have the disease, you
can take steps to treat it and prevent complications.
What are the symptoms?
Some people develop symptoms like strong thirst, increased feelings of hunger, frequent urination and wounds that don't heal. However, many people with diabetes have no symptoms. That is why screening is important.
For more information about diabetes, visit these web sites:
A Few Facts About Diabetes: Joslin Diabetes Center
Basic Diabetes Information: American Diabetes Association
Factors that increase a person's risk of Type 2 diabetes but cannot be changed include:
Age and diabetes
The risk of type 2 diabetes increases with age, and it is most common in people over the age of 40.
Personal history of diabetes or high blood sugar
People who have had problems with high blood sugar in the past may be at higher risk of developing diabetes. Women who have had diabetes during pregnancy (called gestational diabetes) are also at higher risk of developing diabetes later in life.
Family history and diabetes
A person with a close relative who had diabetes has a higher risk of developing the disease. This increased risk is probably due to a combination of shared genes and shared lifestyle factors.
Race and ethnicity
Type 2 diabetes is more common in African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, compared to whites.
Most risk factors for diabetes can be modified to reduce risk, either through lifestyle changes or through medication, if needed.
These include:
Weight, waist size and diabetes
The risk of Type 2 diabetes goes up as body weight increases. This is especially true for people who carry extra body fat around the waist (called
"apple shaped"). Extra weight affects the body's sensitivity to insulin and it also puts extra strain on the whole body, increasing the risk of heart
disease, stroke, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Maintaining a healthy weight has been proven to decrease the risk of cancer of the colon,
kidney, breast and uterus.
Tobacco smoke and diabetes
Smoking increases the risk of diabetes. Smoking can increase blood sugar levels and decrease the body's ability to use insulin. It can also
change the way the body stores excess fat - increasing fat around the waist, which is linked to diabetes. The damage that tobacco chemicals do
to blood vessels, muscles and organs may also increase the risk of diabetes.
Tobacco exposure also increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, emphysema, bronchitis, osteoporosis, and
cancers of the lung, bladder, kidney, pancreas, cervix, lip, mouth, tongue, larynx, throat and esophagus. For many people, quitting smoking is
the single best thing they can do to improve their health.
Physical activity and diabetes
Exercise is one of the best ways to help maintain a healthy weight, a key factor in lowering the risk of diabetes. Exercise also helps the body's
cells use insulin effectively, which makes it easier to control blood sugar levels. In addition, exercise also helps prevent other diseases such as
heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and colon cancer. Even just 30 minutes of moderate exercise (like walking) daily can decrease your risk of
Diet and diabetes
Diet can be a powerful tool for lowering the risk of diabetes. The best approach? Eat a diet that focuses on whole grains, cereal fiber, and liquid
vegetable oils and limits refined starches (like potatoes and white bread).
Alcohol and diabetes
Moderate alcohol (about one drink a day for women and two for men) has been shown to decrease the risk of diabetes compared to nondrinkers.
Limited use of alcohol may also decrease the risk of developing heart disease. However, it is not recommended that non-drinkers start
drinking. Alcohol use has many of its own risks like increasing blood pressure, body weight, heart failure, addiction, suicide and accidents.
People who limit their use of alcohol also have a lower risk of colon cancer, and breast cancer.
Info from : http://www.yourdiseaserisk.wustl.edu/hccpquiz.pl?lang=english&func=show&quiz=diabetes&page=risk_list
Sources: NIOSH Info
Diabetes (also known as diabetes mellitus) is a condition in which the body either can't make or can't use insulin properly.
Insulin is a hormone normally produced by the pancreas. Insulin is very important because it regulates the sugar level in the blood, and it allows the body to use this sugar for energy. Without enough insulin, the body's cells can't get the energy they
need, the sugar level in the blood gets too high, and many problems can result. Diabetes is not curable, but, fortunately, it is treatable.
There are two main types of diabetes. They are known as type 1 and type 2. Type 1 diabetes (also known as juvenile-onset or insulin-dependent diabetes) usually affects children and young adults. People with type 1 diabetes can't make insulin, so
they need to take insulin shots to stay alive.
Type 2 diabetes (also known as adult-onset or non insulin-dependent diabetes) is much more common than type 1 diabetes.
In fact 90-95% of diabetes is type 2. This type of diabetes is more common in people who are over the age of 40 and overweight. It also tends to run in families. People with type 2 diabetes make some insulin but either it's not enough, or their
bodies just aren't able to use it properly. Many people with type 2 diabetes can control their blood sugar with diet and oral medication, but some people also need to use insulin shots.
There are many complications that come from diabetes and poor blood sugar control. People with diabetes can develop nerve problems, kidney disorders, blindness, and severe infections. They also have a higher risk of coronary heart disease,
stroke and certain cancers, like pancreatic and uterine cancer. Each year almost 200,000 Americans die from diabetes and its complication.
Another Type of Diabetes: Gestational Diabetes
About 3-5 % of women develop diabetes during pregnancy, called gestational diabetes. Usually a temporary condition that goes goes away after giving birth, gestational diabetes can nevertheless cause problems for both mother and baby. Some
complications include certain types of birth defects, abnormally large babies, and an increased risk of caesarian section.
Even if the diabetes disappears after the baby is born, women who have had gestational diabetes also have a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.
How common is diabetes?
Diabetes is very common in the United States. Almost 16 million people have it, and the numbers are growing. Most people with diabetes have type 2.
Who is at risk of diabetes?
Anyone can develop diabetes, but most people that have diabetes are adults over the age of 40, and the risk increases with age. African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders are at higher risk of developing diabetes compared to whites. Also, people who are overweight, inactive, smoke or have family members with diabetes are at a higher risk.
How can you lower your risk of diabetes?
There are things you can do to reduce your risk of developing diabetes:
Maintain a healthy weight
Get regular exercise
Don't smoke
Eat a healthy diet that focuses on whole grains and "good" fats (like olive and canola oil)
Who should be screened?
Screening for diabetes is very important because millions of people have this disease and don't know it. Everyone age 45 and older should have their blood sugar checked by a doctor at least once every 3 years. People who are at higher risk may need to be tested earlier and more often. Screening is easy with simple blood and urine tests that can have important benefits. If you find out you have the disease, you
can take steps to treat it and prevent complications.
What are the symptoms?
Some people develop symptoms like strong thirst, increased feelings of hunger, frequent urination and wounds that don't heal. However, many people with diabetes have no symptoms. That is why screening is important.
For more information about diabetes, visit these web sites:
A Few Facts About Diabetes: Joslin Diabetes Center
Basic Diabetes Information: American Diabetes Association
Factors that increase a person's risk of Type 2 diabetes but cannot be changed include:
Age and diabetes
The risk of type 2 diabetes increases with age, and it is most common in people over the age of 40.
Personal history of diabetes or high blood sugar
People who have had problems with high blood sugar in the past may be at higher risk of developing diabetes. Women who have had diabetes during pregnancy (called gestational diabetes) are also at higher risk of developing diabetes later in life.
Family history and diabetes
A person with a close relative who had diabetes has a higher risk of developing the disease. This increased risk is probably due to a combination of shared genes and shared lifestyle factors.
Race and ethnicity
Type 2 diabetes is more common in African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asians and Pacific Islanders, compared to whites.
Most risk factors for diabetes can be modified to reduce risk, either through lifestyle changes or through medication, if needed.
These include:
Weight, waist size and diabetes
The risk of Type 2 diabetes goes up as body weight increases. This is especially true for people who carry extra body fat around the waist (called
"apple shaped"). Extra weight affects the body's sensitivity to insulin and it also puts extra strain on the whole body, increasing the risk of heart
disease, stroke, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Maintaining a healthy weight has been proven to decrease the risk of cancer of the colon,
kidney, breast and uterus.
Tobacco smoke and diabetes
Smoking increases the risk of diabetes. Smoking can increase blood sugar levels and decrease the body's ability to use insulin. It can also
change the way the body stores excess fat - increasing fat around the waist, which is linked to diabetes. The damage that tobacco chemicals do
to blood vessels, muscles and organs may also increase the risk of diabetes.
Tobacco exposure also increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, emphysema, bronchitis, osteoporosis, and
cancers of the lung, bladder, kidney, pancreas, cervix, lip, mouth, tongue, larynx, throat and esophagus. For many people, quitting smoking is
the single best thing they can do to improve their health.
Physical activity and diabetes
Exercise is one of the best ways to help maintain a healthy weight, a key factor in lowering the risk of diabetes. Exercise also helps the body's
cells use insulin effectively, which makes it easier to control blood sugar levels. In addition, exercise also helps prevent other diseases such as
heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and colon cancer. Even just 30 minutes of moderate exercise (like walking) daily can decrease your risk of
Diet and diabetes
Diet can be a powerful tool for lowering the risk of diabetes. The best approach? Eat a diet that focuses on whole grains, cereal fiber, and liquid
vegetable oils and limits refined starches (like potatoes and white bread).
Alcohol and diabetes
Moderate alcohol (about one drink a day for women and two for men) has been shown to decrease the risk of diabetes compared to nondrinkers.
Limited use of alcohol may also decrease the risk of developing heart disease. However, it is not recommended that non-drinkers start
drinking. Alcohol use has many of its own risks like increasing blood pressure, body weight, heart failure, addiction, suicide and accidents.
People who limit their use of alcohol also have a lower risk of colon cancer, and breast cancer.
Info from : http://www.yourdiseaserisk.wustl.edu/hccpquiz.pl?lang=english&func=show&quiz=diabetes&page=risk_list
Sources: NIOSH Info
Books Section
Human Factors Engineering and Ergonomics: A Systems Approach (Hardcover)
Editorial Reviews
… a thorough and well-organized textbook. The focus and approach are relevant to current scholarship and research in the field.
- Robert W. Proctor, Purdue University
An addition of a separate chapter on 'stress and work performance' is important. Particulary given our current times, when so many people are experiencing stress at work, and unfortunately, are unaware of the problem. I also like the idea of a chapter on environmental design. We have always had a focus on microenvironments within the purview of human factors courses, but rarely do you see any mention of macro environments.
- Leah Newman, Pennsylvania State University
Product Description
Addressing a wide range of human factors and ergonomics principles, this book emphasizes concept and systems thinking and how the allocation of function between the human and the machine has changed as a result of technological advances. Comprehensive in breadth and depth of coverage, the text focuses on conventional machines and workspace design, artificial life, environmental design, work in outer space, and stress and work performance. A separate chapter on accident analysis and prevention includes an updated review of the effectiveness of safety programs. The authors give you the tools to creatively apply the concepts to new problems
and photographs illustrate real systems in operation.
Product Details
Hardcover: 312 pages
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1 edition (October 4, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0805850066
ISBN-13: 978-0805850062
Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.1 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,868,827 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
**Book for reference only :More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
Editorial Reviews
… a thorough and well-organized textbook. The focus and approach are relevant to current scholarship and research in the field.
- Robert W. Proctor, Purdue University
An addition of a separate chapter on 'stress and work performance' is important. Particulary given our current times, when so many people are experiencing stress at work, and unfortunately, are unaware of the problem. I also like the idea of a chapter on environmental design. We have always had a focus on microenvironments within the purview of human factors courses, but rarely do you see any mention of macro environments.
- Leah Newman, Pennsylvania State University
Product Description
Addressing a wide range of human factors and ergonomics principles, this book emphasizes concept and systems thinking and how the allocation of function between the human and the machine has changed as a result of technological advances. Comprehensive in breadth and depth of coverage, the text focuses on conventional machines and workspace design, artificial life, environmental design, work in outer space, and stress and work performance. A separate chapter on accident analysis and prevention includes an updated review of the effectiveness of safety programs. The authors give you the tools to creatively apply the concepts to new problems
and photographs illustrate real systems in operation.
Product Details
Hardcover: 312 pages
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1 edition (October 4, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0805850066
ISBN-13: 978-0805850062
Product Dimensions: 10 x 7.1 x 0.9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #1,868,827 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
**Book for reference only :More details of this book, please refer NIOSH Library and to browse list of collection please visit; http://www.niosh.com.my
Anda Mesti Aktif; Gerakkan Badan
INI rutin hidup kita setiap hari - bangun pagi terus sarapan. Kemudian menyelit di jalan yang sesak untuk ke tempat kerja.
Lapan jam seterusnya dihabiskan dengan duduk di depan komputer, lama-kelamaan menyebabkan tulang dan sendi kita sakit. Selesai kerja, kita pulang ke rumah dan menghabiskan hari selebihnya di atas sofa, sementara menunggu hari esok yang dipenuhi dengan rutin yang sama.
Ini menjadikan kita generasi tidak aktif - yang lebih banyak duduk daripada bergerak.
Hasil penyelidikan mendapati kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia menghabiskan 74 peratus daripada hari mereka dengan duduk, tidur atau berbaring. Angka yang membimbangkan ini disebabkan beberapa faktor dalam gaya hidup semasa wanita kurun ke-21, yang bekerja hingga lewat petang atau malam, hingga tiada masa untuk melakukan aktiviti fizikal atau mengamalkan tabiat makan yang sihat.
Meskipun kesedaran terhadap tabiat makan yang sihat dan gaya hidup sihat semakin meningkat, usaha untuk mengamalkannya masih kurang. Kebanyakan wanita Malaysia hanya mengambil 50 peratus daripada keperluan kalsium harian mereka dan hanya sembilan peratus wanita Malaysia mengamalkan senaman secukupnya.
Bagaimana dengan baki 91 peratus lagi? Gaya hidup tidak aktif boleh menimbulkan pelbagai masalah kesihatan yang serius - penyakit kardiovaskular, obesiti dan diabetes. Tahukah anda gaya hidup tidak aktif juga boleh menyebabkan kemerosotan tulang?
Kita memang menyedari masalah osteoporosis. Kita juga memang memahami pentingnya kalsium.
Bagaimanapun, ramai wanita di Malaysia terus menyangka mereka tidak akan mengalami osteoporosis kerana mereka muda, tanpa menyedari tulang kita mungkin lemah bermula pada usia 30-an.
Ini mungkin disebabkan kita tidak boleh merasai dan melihat kesan 'penyakit senyap' ini. Kita tidak sedar tulang kita sentiasa dalam proses penguraian dan memerlukan aktiviti fizikal dan pemakanan secukupnya untuk proses pembinaan semula.
Cara pemikiran kita, 'Saya tidak akan mengalami osteoporosis kerana saya masih muda', menyukarkan lagi kesedaran mengenai penjagaan tulang. Ramai terus mempercayai penyakit yang berkaitan tulang tidak membawa maut berbanding penyakit kardiovaskular dan kanser.
Mereka tidak tahu hasil penyelidikan yang dijalankan baru-baru ini menunjukkan kemungkinan wanita dalam usia pertengahan hingga lewat 60-an meninggal dunia dalam masa setahun selepas mengalami patah tulang pinggul adalah lima kali ganda lebih tinggi berbanding wanita dalam usia sama yang tidak mengalami patah tulang
Angka ini benar dan menakutkan. Menjelang 2050, 50 peratus daripada kes retak tulang akan dilaporkan di Asia.
Pada kebiasaannya, simptom osteoporosis tidak diketahui sehingga sejumlah jisim tulang hilang. Akibatnya, osteoporosis sering dikesan selepas berlakunya kepatahan tulang.
Disebabkan kos rawatan yang meningkat, satu-satunya cara untuk menangani masalah kemerosotan tulang ialah dengan strategi pencegahan, termasuk pengambilan vitamin D, mengamalkan gaya hidup aktif dan diet seimbang seperti minuman susu kalsium tinggi (seperti Anlene) untuk memenuhi keperluan 1,000 miligram kalsium sehari. Langkah ini patut diambil sekarang untuk membantu proses pertumbuhan semula tulang.
Dalam soal kesihatan tulang, langkah pencegahan adalah benar-benar lebih baik daripada pengubatan, lebih-lebih lagi memandangkan tulang mungkin mula lemah seawal usia 30-an.
Jadi, bagi wanita yang leka dengan gaya hidup tidak aktif, anda akan kesuntukan masa jika anda tidak bertindak dari sekarang. Jaga kesihatan tulang anda, mulakan usaha untuk memenuhi keperluan kalsium anda hari ini.
Sources: Info dari Akhbar Harian Metro; 24/10/2011; pg. 008
Lapan jam seterusnya dihabiskan dengan duduk di depan komputer, lama-kelamaan menyebabkan tulang dan sendi kita sakit. Selesai kerja, kita pulang ke rumah dan menghabiskan hari selebihnya di atas sofa, sementara menunggu hari esok yang dipenuhi dengan rutin yang sama.
Ini menjadikan kita generasi tidak aktif - yang lebih banyak duduk daripada bergerak.
Hasil penyelidikan mendapati kebanyakan rakyat Malaysia menghabiskan 74 peratus daripada hari mereka dengan duduk, tidur atau berbaring. Angka yang membimbangkan ini disebabkan beberapa faktor dalam gaya hidup semasa wanita kurun ke-21, yang bekerja hingga lewat petang atau malam, hingga tiada masa untuk melakukan aktiviti fizikal atau mengamalkan tabiat makan yang sihat.
Meskipun kesedaran terhadap tabiat makan yang sihat dan gaya hidup sihat semakin meningkat, usaha untuk mengamalkannya masih kurang. Kebanyakan wanita Malaysia hanya mengambil 50 peratus daripada keperluan kalsium harian mereka dan hanya sembilan peratus wanita Malaysia mengamalkan senaman secukupnya.
Bagaimana dengan baki 91 peratus lagi? Gaya hidup tidak aktif boleh menimbulkan pelbagai masalah kesihatan yang serius - penyakit kardiovaskular, obesiti dan diabetes. Tahukah anda gaya hidup tidak aktif juga boleh menyebabkan kemerosotan tulang?
Kita memang menyedari masalah osteoporosis. Kita juga memang memahami pentingnya kalsium.
Bagaimanapun, ramai wanita di Malaysia terus menyangka mereka tidak akan mengalami osteoporosis kerana mereka muda, tanpa menyedari tulang kita mungkin lemah bermula pada usia 30-an.
Ini mungkin disebabkan kita tidak boleh merasai dan melihat kesan 'penyakit senyap' ini. Kita tidak sedar tulang kita sentiasa dalam proses penguraian dan memerlukan aktiviti fizikal dan pemakanan secukupnya untuk proses pembinaan semula.
Cara pemikiran kita, 'Saya tidak akan mengalami osteoporosis kerana saya masih muda', menyukarkan lagi kesedaran mengenai penjagaan tulang. Ramai terus mempercayai penyakit yang berkaitan tulang tidak membawa maut berbanding penyakit kardiovaskular dan kanser.
Mereka tidak tahu hasil penyelidikan yang dijalankan baru-baru ini menunjukkan kemungkinan wanita dalam usia pertengahan hingga lewat 60-an meninggal dunia dalam masa setahun selepas mengalami patah tulang pinggul adalah lima kali ganda lebih tinggi berbanding wanita dalam usia sama yang tidak mengalami patah tulang
Angka ini benar dan menakutkan. Menjelang 2050, 50 peratus daripada kes retak tulang akan dilaporkan di Asia.
Pada kebiasaannya, simptom osteoporosis tidak diketahui sehingga sejumlah jisim tulang hilang. Akibatnya, osteoporosis sering dikesan selepas berlakunya kepatahan tulang.
Disebabkan kos rawatan yang meningkat, satu-satunya cara untuk menangani masalah kemerosotan tulang ialah dengan strategi pencegahan, termasuk pengambilan vitamin D, mengamalkan gaya hidup aktif dan diet seimbang seperti minuman susu kalsium tinggi (seperti Anlene) untuk memenuhi keperluan 1,000 miligram kalsium sehari. Langkah ini patut diambil sekarang untuk membantu proses pertumbuhan semula tulang.
Dalam soal kesihatan tulang, langkah pencegahan adalah benar-benar lebih baik daripada pengubatan, lebih-lebih lagi memandangkan tulang mungkin mula lemah seawal usia 30-an.
Jadi, bagi wanita yang leka dengan gaya hidup tidak aktif, anda akan kesuntukan masa jika anda tidak bertindak dari sekarang. Jaga kesihatan tulang anda, mulakan usaha untuk memenuhi keperluan kalsium anda hari ini.
Sources: Info dari Akhbar Harian Metro; 24/10/2011; pg. 008
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Bipolar disorder — sometimes called manic-depressive disorder — causes mood swings that range from of the lows of depression to the highs of mania. When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities. When your mood shifts in the other direction, you may feel euphoric and full of energy. Mood shifts may only occur only a few times a year, or as often as several times a day. In some cases, bipolar disorder causes symptoms of depression and mania at the same time.
Although bipolar disorder is a disruptive, long-term condition, you can keep your moods in check by following a treatment plan. In most cases, bipolar disorder can be controlled with medications and psychological counseling (psychotherapy).
Bipolar disorder is divided into several subtypes. Each has a different pattern of symptoms. Types of bipolar disorder include:
Bipolar I disorder. Mood swings with bipolar I cause significant difficulty in your job, school or relationships. Manic episodes can be severe and dangerous.
Bipolar II disorder. Bipolar II is less severe than bipolar I. You may have an elevated mood, irritability and some changes in your functioning, but generally you can carry on with your normal daily routine. Instead of full-blown mania, you have hypomania — a less severe form of mania.
In bipolar II, periods of depression typically last longer than periods of hypomania.
Cyclothymia. Cyclothymia is a mild form of bipolar disorder. With cyclothymia, hypomania and depression can be disruptive, but the highs and lows are not as severe as they are with other types of bipolar disorder.
The exact symptoms of bipolar disorder vary from person to person. For some people, depression causes the most problems; for other people manic symptoms are the main concern. Symptoms of depression and symptoms of mania or hypomania may also occur together. This is known as a mixed episode.
Manic phase of bipolar disorder
Signs and symptoms of the manic or hypomanic phase of bipolar disorder can include:
Extreme optimism
Inflated self-esteem
Poor judgment
Rapid speech
Racing thoughts
Aggressive behavior
Agitation or irritation
Increased physical activity
Risky behavior
Spending sprees or unwise financial choices
Increased drive to perform or achieve goals
Increased sex drive
Decreased need for sleep
Inability to concentrate
Careless or dangerous use of drugs or alcohol
Frequent absences from work or school
Delusions or a break from reality (psychosis)
Poor performance at work or school
Depressive phase of bipolar disorder
Signs and symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder can include:
Suicidal thoughts or behavior
Sleep problems
Low appetite or increased appetite
Loss of interest in daily activities
Problems concentrating
Chronic pain without a known cause
Frequent absences from work or school
Poor performance at work or school
Other signs and symptoms bipolar disorder
Signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder can also include:
Seasonal changes in mood. As with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), some people with bipolar disorder have moods that change with the seasons. Some people become manic or hypomanic in the spring or summer and then become depressed in the fall or winter. For other people, this cycle is reversed — they become depressed in the spring or summer and manic or hypomanic in the fall or winter.
Rapid cycling bipolar disorder. Some people with bipolar disorder have rapid mood shifts. This is defined as having four or more mood swings within a single year. However, in some people moods shifts occur much more quickly, sometimes within just hours.
Psychosis. Severe episodes of either mania or depression may result in psychosis, a detachment from reality. Symptoms of psychosis may include false but strongly held beliefs (delusions) and hearing or seeing things that aren't there (hallucinations). In some people, sudden psychosis (a psychotic break) is the first sign of bipolar disorder.
Symptoms in children and adolescents
Instead of clear-cut depression and mania or hypomania, the most prominent signs of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents can include explosive temper, rapid mood shifts, reckless behavior and aggression. In some cases, these shifts occur within hours or less — for example, a child may have intense periods of giddiness and silliness, long bouts of crying and outbursts of explosive anger all in one day. Changing sleep patterns are also a common indicator of childhood bipolar disorder.
When to see a doctor
If you have any symptoms of depression or mania, see your doctor or mental health provider. Bipolar disorder doesn't get better on its own. Getting treatment from a mental health provider with experience in bipolar disorder can help you get your symptoms under control.
Many people with bipolar disorder don't get the treatment they need. Despite the mood extremes, people with bipolar disorder often don't recognize how much their emotional instability disrupts their lives and the lives of their loved ones. And if you're like some people with bipolar disorder, you may enjoy the feelings of euphoria and cycles of being more productive. However, this euphoria is always followed by an emotional crash that can leave you depressed, worn out — and perhaps in financial, legal or relationship trouble.
If you're reluctant to seek treatment, confide in a friend or loved one, a health care professional, a faith leader or someone else you trust. They can help you take the first steps to successful treatment.
If you have suicidal thoughts.
Suicidal thoughts and behavior are common among people with bipolar disorder. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, get help right away. Here are some steps you can take:
Contact a family member or friend.
Seek help from your doctor, a mental health provider or other health care professional.
Call a suicide hot line number — in the United States, you can reach the toll-free, 24-hour hot line of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 to talk to a trained counselor.
Contact a minister, spiritual leader or someone in your faith community.
When to get emergency help.
If you think you may hurt yourself or attempt suicide, call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. If you have a loved one who has harmed himself or herself, or is seriously considering doing so, make sure someone stays with that person. Take him or her to the hospital or call for emergency help.
Several factors seem to be involved in causing and triggering bipolar episodes:
Biological differences. People with bipolar disorder appear to have physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes is still uncertain but may eventually help pinpoint causes.
Neurotransmitters. An imbalance in naturally occurring brain chemicals called neurotransmitters seems to play a significant role in bipolar disorder and other mood disorders.
Hormones. Imbalanced hormones may be involved in causing or triggering bipolar disorder.
Inherited traits. Bipolar disorder is more common in people who have a blood relative (such as a sibling or parent) with the condition. Researchers are trying to find genes that may be involved in causing bipolar disorder.
Environment. Stress, abuse, significant loss or other traumatic experiences may play a role in bipolar disorder.
Risk factors
Factors that may increase the risk of developing bipolar disorder include:
Having blood relatives such as a parent or sibling with bipolar disorder
Periods of high stress
Drug or alcohol abuse
Major life changes, such as the death of a loved one
Being between the ages of 15 and 30
Conditions that commonly occur with bipolar disorder
If you have bipolar disorder, you may also have another health condition that's diagnosed before or after your diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Such conditions need to be diagnosed and treated because they may worsen existing bipolar disorder.
They include:
Anxiety disorders. Examples include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social phobia and generalized anxiety disorder.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD has symptoms that overlap with bipolar disorder. For this reason, bipolar disorder can be difficult to differentiate from ADHD. Sometimes one is mistaken for the other. In some cases, a person may be diagnosed with both conditions.
Addiction or substance abuse. Many people with bipolar disorder also have alcohol or drug problems. Street drugs or alcohol may seem to ease symptoms, but they can actually trigger, prolong or worsen depression or mania.
Physical health problems. People diagnosed with bipolar disorder are more likely to have certain other health problems, including heart disease, thyroid problems and obesity.
Left untreated, bipolar disorder can result in serious problems that affect every area of your life. These can include:
Problems related to substance and alcohol abuse
Legal problems
Financial problems
Relationship troubles
Isolation and loneliness
Poor work or school performance
Frequent absences from work or school
Preparing for your appointment
You're likely to start by first seeing your family doctor or a general practitioner. However, in some cases when you call to set up an appointment, you may be referred immediately to a psychiatrist — a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions.
Because appointments can be brief, and because there's often a lot of ground to cover, it's a good idea to be well prepared for your appointment. Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment, and what to expect from your doctor.
What you can do
-Write down any symptoms you've had, including any that may seem unrelated to the reason for which you scheduled the appointment.
-Write down key personal information, including any major stresses or recent life changes.
-Make a list of all medications, as well as any vitamins or supplements that you're taking.
-Take a family member or friend along, if possible. Sometimes it can be difficult to soak up all the information provided to you during an appointment. Someone who accompanies you may remember something that you missed or forgot.
-Write down questions to ask your doctor.
Your time with your doctor is limited, so preparing a list of questions ahead of time will help you make the most of your time together. List your questions from most important to least important in case time runs out. For problems related to bipolar disorder, some basic questions to ask your doctor include:
Is bipolar disorder likely causing my symptoms or condition?
Other than the most likely cause, what are other possible causes for my symptoms or condition?
What kinds of tests will I need?
What treatment is likely to work best for me?
What are the alternatives to the primary approach that you're suggesting?
I have these other health conditions. How can I best manage them together?
Are there any restrictions that I need to follow?
Should I see a psychiatrist or other mental health provider? What will that cost, and will my insurance cover seeing a specialist?
Is there a generic alternative to the medicine you're prescribing me?
Are there any brochures or other printed material that I can take home with me? What Web sites do you recommend visiting?
In addition to the questions that you've prepared to ask your doctor, don't hesitate to ask questions during your appointment at any time that you don't understand something.
What to expect from your doctor.
Your doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions. Being ready to answer them may reserve time to go over any points you want to spend more time on. Your doctor may ask:
When did you or your loved ones first begin noticing your symptoms of depression, mania or hypomania?
How frequently do your moods change?
Do you ever have suicidal thoughts when you're feeling down?
How severe are your symptoms? Do they interfere with your daily life or relationships?
Do you have any blood relatives with bipolar disorder or another mood disorder?
What other mental or physical health conditions do you have?
Do you drink alcohol or use street drugs?
How much do you sleep at night? Does it change over time?
Do you go through periods when you take risks you wouldn't normally take, such as unsafe sex or unwise, spontaneous financial decisions?
What, if anything, seems to improve your symptoms?
What, if anything, appears to worsen your symptoms?
Tests and diagnosis
When doctors suspect someone has bipolar disorder, they typically do a number of tests and exams. These can help rule out other problems, pinpoint a diagnosis and also check for any related complications. These can include:
Physical exam. This may involve measuring your height and weight; checking your vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure and temperature; listening to your heart and lungs; and examining your abdomen.
Lab tests. These may include blood and urine tests. These tests can help identify any physical problems that could be causing your symptoms.
Psychological evaluation. A doctor or mental health provider will talk to you about your thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns. You may also fill out a psychological self-assessment or questionnaire. With your permission, family members or close friends may be asked to provide information about your symptoms and possible episodes of mania or depression.
Mood charting. To identify exactly what's going on, your doctor may have you keep a daily record of your moods, sleep patterns or other factors that could help with diagnosis and finding the right treatment.
Diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder.
To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you must meet the criteria spelled out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association and is used by mental health providers to diagnose mental conditions and by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment. Diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder are based on the specific type of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar I disorder: You've had at least one manic or one mixed episode. You may or may not have had a major depressive episode. Because bipolar I varies from person to person, there are more specific subcategories of diagnosis based on your particular signs and symptoms.
Bipolar II disorder: You've had at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode (but not a fully manic or mixed episode). With bipolar II, symptoms cause distress or difficulty in some area of your life — such as relationships or work. Bipolar II disorder also has subcategories based on your particular signs and symptoms.
Cyclothymic disorder: You've had numerous hypomanic episodes and periods of depression — but you've never had a full manic episode, a major depressive episode or a mixed episode. For a diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder, symptoms last two years or more (one year in children and adolescents). During that time, symptoms never go away for more than two months. Symptoms cause significant distress or difficulty in some area of your life — such as in relationships or at work.
The DSM has very specific criteria for manic, hypomanic, major depressive and mixed episodes:
Criteria for a manic episode.
A manic episode is a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts at least one week (or less than a week if hospitalization is necessary). During the period of disturbed mood, three or more of the following symptoms must be present (four if the mood is only irritable):
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
Decreased need for sleep (for example, you feel rested after only three hours of sleep)
Unusual talkativeness
Racing thoughts
Increased goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually)
Engagement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences — for example, unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions or foolish business investments
To be considered a manic episode:
The mood disturbance must be severe enough to cause noticeable difficulty at work, at school or in usual social activities or relationships; to require hospitalization to prevent harm to yourself or others; or to trigger a break from reality (psychosis).
Symptoms do not meet the criteria for a mixed episode (see criteria for mixed episode below).
Symptoms are not due to the direct effects of something else such as alcohol or drug use, taking a medication, or a having a medical condition such as hyperthyroidism.
Criteria for a hypomanic episode.
A hypomanic episode is a distinct period of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts at least four days, and is different from the usual nondepressed mood. During the period of disturbed mood, three or more of the following symptoms must be present (four if the mood is only irritable):
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
Decreased need for sleep (for example, you feel rested after only three hours of sleep)
Unusual talkativeness
Racing thoughts
Increased goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually)
Engagement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences — for example, unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions or foolish business investments
To be considered a hypomanic episode:
The mood disturbance must be severe enough to cause a noticeable and uncharacteristic change in functioning.
The episode isn't severe enough to cause significant difficulty at work, at school or in usual social activities or relationships; to require hospitalization; or to trigger a break from reality (psychosis).
Symptoms do not meet the criteria for a mixed episode (see criteria for mixed episode below).
Symptoms are not due to the direct effects of something else such as alcohol or drug use, taking a medication, or a having a medical condition such as hyperthyroidism.
Criteria for a major depressive episode
To be diagnosed with a major depressive episode, you must have five (or more) of the following symptoms over a two-week period. At least one of the symptoms is either depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure. Symptoms can be based on your own feelings or on the observations of someone else. They include:
Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, such as feeling sad, empty or tearful (in children and adolescents, depressed mood can appear as constant irritability)
Diminished interest or feeling no pleasure in all — or almost all — activities most of the day, nearly every day
Significant weight loss when not dieting, weight gain, or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day (in children, failure to gain weight as expected can be a sign of depression)
Insomnia or increased desire to sleep nearly every day
Either restlessness or slowed behavior that can be observed by others
Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day
Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day
Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, or a suicide attempt
To be considered a major depressive episode:
Symptoms don't meet the criteria for a mixed episode (see criteria for mixed episode below)
Symptoms must be severe enough to cause noticeable difficulty in day-to-day activities, such as work, school, social activities or relationships with others
Symptoms are not due to the direct effects of something else, such as drug abuse, taking a medication or a having a medical condition such as hyperthyroidism
Symptoms are not caused by grieving, such as after the loss of a loved one
Criteria for mixed episode
The criteria are met both for a manic episode and for a major depressive episode nearly every day during at least a one-week period
The mood disturbance must be severe enough to cause noticeable difficulty at work, at school, or in usual social activities or relationships; to require hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others; or to cause a break from reality (psychosis)
Symptoms are not due to the direct effects of something else, such as drug abuse, taking a medication or a having a medical condition such as hyperthyroidism
Diagnosis in children
The same official criteria used to diagnose bipolar disorder in adults are used to diagnose children and adolescents. However, bipolar symptoms in children and adolescents often have different patterns than they do in adults, and may not fit neatly into the categories used for diagnosis. While adults generally tend to have distinct periods of mania and depression, children and adolescents may have erratic, rapid changes in mood, behavior and energy levels.
It's often hard to tell whether these are normal ups and downs, the results of stress or trauma, or signs of a mental health problem other than bipolar disorder. To make it even more difficult, children who have bipolar disorder are frequently also diagnosed with other mental health conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or behavior problems such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
Although bipolar disorder can occur in young children, diagnosis in children preschool age or younger is especially difficult. The current criteria used for diagnosis have not been proved in young children, and a wide range of issues other than bipolar disorder can cause mood and behavior problems at this age.
Treatments and drugs:
Bipolar disorder requires lifelong treatment, even during periods when you feel better. Treatment is usually guided by a psychiatrist skilled in treating the condition. You may have a treatment team that also includes psychologists, social workers and psychiatric nurses. The primary treatments for bipolar disorder include medications; individual, group or family psychological counseling (psychotherapy); or education and support groups.
Hospitalization may be needed if you are behaving dangerously, you feel suicidal or you become detached from reality (psychotic).
Initial treatment generally involves taking medications to balance your moods right away. Once your symptoms are under control, you'll work with your doctor to find the best long-term treatment.
Continued treatment (maintenance treatment) is used to manage bipolar disorder on a long-term basis. People who skip maintenance treatment are at high risk of a relapse of symptoms or having minor mood changes turn into full-blown mania or depression.
Substance abuse treatment may be necessary if you have problems with alcohol or drugs. Otherwise, it can be very difficult to manage bipolar disorder.
A number of medications are used to treat bipolar disorder. If one doesn't work well for you, there are a number of others to try. Your doctor may suggest combining medications for maximum effect. Medications for bipolar disorder include those that prevent the extreme highs and lows that can occur with bipolar disorder (mood stabilizers) and medications that help with depression or anxiety.
Medications for bipolar disorder include:
Lithium. Lithium (Lithobid, others) is effective at stabilizing mood and preventing the extreme highs and lows of certain categories of bipolar disorder and has been used for many years. Periodic blood tests are required, since lithium can cause thyroid and kidney problems. Common side effects include tremor, weight gain and digestive issues.
Anticonvulsants. These mood stabilizing medications include valproic acid (Depakene), divalproex (Depakote) and lamotrigine (Lamictal). The medication asenapine (Saphris) may be helpful in treating mixed episodes. Depending on the medication you take, side effects can vary. Common side effects include weight gain, tremor and drowsiness. Rarely, certain anticonvulsants cause more serious problems, such as skin rashes, blood disorders or liver problems.
Antidepressants. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may or may not recommend you take an antidepressant. In some people with bipolar disorder, antidepressants can trigger manic episodes, but may be OK if taken along with a mood stabilizer. The most common antidepressant side effects include reduced sexual desire and problems reaching orgasm. Older antidepressants, which include tricyclics and MAO inhibitors, can cause a number of potentially dangerous side effects and require careful monitoring.
Antipsychotics. Certain antipsychotic medications, such as olanzapine (Zyprexa), risperidone (Risperdal) and quetiapine (Seroquel), may help people who don't gain benefits from anticonvulsants. Side effects depend on the medication, but can include weight gain, sleepiness, tremors, dry mouth, blurred vision and sexual side effects. Weight gain in children is a significant concern. Antipsychotic use may also affect memory and attention and cause involuntary facial or body movements.
Symbyax. This medication combines the antidepressant fluoxetine and the antipsychotic olanzapine - it works as a depression treatment and a mood stabilizer. Side effects can include weight gain, drowsiness, dry mouth, increased appetite and fatigue. This medication may also cause sexual problems similar to those caused by antidepressants.
Benzodiazepines. These anti-anxiety medications may help with anxiety and improve sleep. Examples include clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium), chlordiazepoxide (Librium) and alprazolam (Xanax). Benzodiazepines are generally used for relieving anxiety only on a short-term basis. Side effects can include drowsiness, reduced muscle coordination, and problems with balance and memory.
Finding the right medication:
Everyone's different, so finding the right medication or medications for you will likely take some trial and error. This requires patience, as some medications need eight weeks or longer to take full effect. Generally only one medication is changed at a time so your doctor can identify which medications work to relieve your symptoms with the least bothersome side effects. This can take months or longer, and medications may need to be adjusted as your symptoms change. Side effects improve as you find the right medications and doses that work for you, and your body adjusts to the medications.
Medications and pregnancy
A number of medications for bipolar disorder can cause birth defects.
Use effective birth control (contraception) to prevent pregnancy. Discuss birth control options with your doctor, as birth control medications may lose effectiveness when taken along with certain bipolar disorder medications.
If you plan to become pregnant, meet with your doctor to discuss your treatment options.
Discuss breast-feeding with your doctor, as some bipolar medications can pass through breast milk to your infant.
Psychotherapy is another vital part of bipolar disorder treatment. Several types of therapy may be helpful. These include:
Cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a common form of individual therapy for bipolar disorder. The focus of cognitive behavioral therapy is identifying unhealthy, negative beliefs and behaviors and replacing them with healthy, positive ones. It can help identify what triggers your bipolar episodes. You also learn effective strategies to manage stress and to cope with upsetting situations.
Education. Counseling to help you learn about bipolar disorder (psychoeducation) can help you and your loved ones understand bipolar disorder. Knowing what's going on can help you get the best support and treatment, and help you and your loved ones recognize warning signs of mood swings.
Family therapy. Family therapy involves seeing a psychologist or other mental health provider along with your family members. Family therapy can help identify and reduce stress within your family. It can help your family learn how to communicate better, solve problems and resolve conflicts.
Group therapy. Group therapy provides a forum to communicate with and learn from others in a similar situation. It may also help build better relationship skills.
Other therapies. Other therapies that have been studied with some evidence of success include early identification and therapy for worsening symptoms (prodrome detection) and therapy to identify and resolve problems with your daily routine and interpersonal relationships (interpersonal and social rhythm therapy). Ask your doctor if any of these options may be appropriate for you.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Electroconvulsive therapy can be effective for people who have episodes of severe depression or feel suicidal or people who haven't seen improvements in their symptoms despite other treatment. With ECT, electrical currents are passed through your brain. Researchers don't fully understand how ECT works. But it's thought that the electric shock causes changes in brain chemistry that leads to improvements in your mood. ECT may be an option if you have mania or severe depression when you're pregnant and cannot take your regular medications.
In some cases, people with bipolar disorder benefit from hospitalization. Getting psychiatric treatment at a hospital can help keep you calm and safe and stabilize your mood, whether you're having a manic episode or a deep depression. Partial hospitalization or day treatment programs also are options to consider. These programs provide the support and counseling you need while you get symptoms under control.
Treatment in children and adolescents
Children and adolescents with bipolar disorder are prescribed the same types of medications as those used in adults. However, there's very little research on the safety and effectiveness of bipolar medications in children, so treatment decisions are based on adult research. Treatments are generally decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on exact symptoms, medication side effects and other factors. As with adults, ECT may be an option for adolescents with severe bipolar I symptoms or for whom medications don't work.
Most children diagnosed with bipolar disorder require counseling as part of initial treatment and to keep symptoms from returning. Psychotherapy — along with working with teachers and school counselors — can help children develop coping skills, address learning difficulties and resolve social problems. It can also help strengthen family bonds and communication. Psychotherapy may also be necessary to resolve substance abuse problems, common in older children with bipolar disorder.
Lifestyle and home remedies
You'll probably need to make lifestyle changes to stop cycles of behavior that worsen your bipolar disorder, and to make sure you get the support you need from people in your life. Here are some steps to take:
Quit drinking or using illicit drugs. One of the biggest concerns with bipolar disorder is the negative consequences of risk-taking behavior and drug or alcohol abuse. Get help if you have trouble quitting on your own.
Steer clear of unhealthy relationships. Surround yourself with people who are a positive influence and won't encourage unhealthy behavior or attitudes that can worsen your bipolar disorder.
Get regular exercise. Moderate, regular exercise can help steady your mood. Working out releases brain chemicals that make you feel good (endorphins), can help you sleep and has a number of other benefits.
Get plenty of sleep. Sleeping enough is an important part of managing your mood. If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor or mental health provider about what you can do.
Alternative medicine
Some alternative treatments may help, but there isn't much research on them. Most of the studies that do exist are on major depression, so it isn't clear how well most of these work for bipolar disorder.
Omega-3 fatty acids. These oils may help improve brain function and depression associated with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder appears to be less common in areas of the world where people regularly eat fish rich in omega-3s. Omega-3s appear to have a number of health benefits, but more studies are needed to determine just how much they help with bipolar disorder.
St. John's wort. This herb may be helpful with depression. However, it can also interact with antidepressants and other medications, and has the potential to trigger mania in some people.
S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe). This amino acid supplement appears to help brain function related to depression. It isn't clear yet whether it's helpful in people with bipolar disorder. As with St. John's wort, SAMe can trigger mania in some people.
Herbal combinations. Herbal remedies that combine a number of different herbs, such as those used in traditional Chinese medicine, haven't been well studied. Some appear to help, but the risks and benefits still aren't clear.
Acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice of inserting tiny needles into the skin may relieve depression, but more studies are needed to confirm its benefits. However, it won't hurt for you to try it — acupuncture is safe and can be done along with other bipolar disorder treatments.
Yoga. Yoga may help ease depression and mood swings associated with bipolar disorder. It also has a number of other health benefits.
Massage therapy. Massage may also help relieve anxiety and stress, which can worsen bipolar symptoms.
Although some alternative medicine treatments can be a good addition to your regular treatment, take some precautions first:
Don't stop taking your prescribed medications or skip therapy sessions. Alternative medicine is not a substitute for regular medical care when it comes to treating bipolar disorder.
Be honest with your doctors and mental health providers. Tell them exactly which complementary treatments you use or would like to try.
Be aware of potential dangers. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's safe. Before using alternative medicine, be sure you know the risks, including possible interactions with medications.
There's no sure way to prevent bipolar disorder. However, getting treatment at the earliest sign of a mental health disorder can help prevent bipolar disorder or other mental health conditions from worsening.
If you've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, some strategies can help prevent minor episodes from becoming full-blown episodes of mania or depression:
Pay attention to warning signs. Addressing symptoms early on can prevent episodes from getting worse. You and your caregivers may have identified a pattern to your bipolar episodes and what triggers them. Call your doctor if you feel you're falling into an episode of depression or mania. Involve family members or friends in watching for warning signs.
Avoid drugs and alcohol. Even though you may feel better, using alcohol or street drugs makes your symptoms more likely to come back.
Take your medications exactly as directed. Medications can have unwanted side effects, and you may feel unhappy about having a mental health condition that requires lifelong treatment. During periods when you feel better, you may be tempted to stop treatment. This can have immediate consequences — you may become very depressed, feel suicidal, or go into a manic or hypomanic episode. If you think you need to make a change, call your doctor.
Check first before taking other medications. Call the doctor who's treating you for bipolar disorder before you take medications prescribed by another doctor. Sometimes other medications trigger episodes of bipolar disorder or may interfere with medications you're already taking to treat bipolar disorder.
Sources: Sulaiman Muhd Kutti (OHN/MA)
Bipolar disorder — sometimes called manic-depressive disorder — causes mood swings that range from of the lows of depression to the highs of mania. When you become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose interest or pleasure in most activities. When your mood shifts in the other direction, you may feel euphoric and full of energy. Mood shifts may only occur only a few times a year, or as often as several times a day. In some cases, bipolar disorder causes symptoms of depression and mania at the same time.
Although bipolar disorder is a disruptive, long-term condition, you can keep your moods in check by following a treatment plan. In most cases, bipolar disorder can be controlled with medications and psychological counseling (psychotherapy).
Bipolar disorder is divided into several subtypes. Each has a different pattern of symptoms. Types of bipolar disorder include:
Bipolar I disorder. Mood swings with bipolar I cause significant difficulty in your job, school or relationships. Manic episodes can be severe and dangerous.
Bipolar II disorder. Bipolar II is less severe than bipolar I. You may have an elevated mood, irritability and some changes in your functioning, but generally you can carry on with your normal daily routine. Instead of full-blown mania, you have hypomania — a less severe form of mania.
In bipolar II, periods of depression typically last longer than periods of hypomania.
Cyclothymia. Cyclothymia is a mild form of bipolar disorder. With cyclothymia, hypomania and depression can be disruptive, but the highs and lows are not as severe as they are with other types of bipolar disorder.
The exact symptoms of bipolar disorder vary from person to person. For some people, depression causes the most problems; for other people manic symptoms are the main concern. Symptoms of depression and symptoms of mania or hypomania may also occur together. This is known as a mixed episode.
Manic phase of bipolar disorder
Signs and symptoms of the manic or hypomanic phase of bipolar disorder can include:
Extreme optimism
Inflated self-esteem
Poor judgment
Rapid speech
Racing thoughts
Aggressive behavior
Agitation or irritation
Increased physical activity
Risky behavior
Spending sprees or unwise financial choices
Increased drive to perform or achieve goals
Increased sex drive
Decreased need for sleep
Inability to concentrate
Careless or dangerous use of drugs or alcohol
Frequent absences from work or school
Delusions or a break from reality (psychosis)
Poor performance at work or school
Depressive phase of bipolar disorder
Signs and symptoms of the depressive phase of bipolar disorder can include:
Suicidal thoughts or behavior
Sleep problems
Low appetite or increased appetite
Loss of interest in daily activities
Problems concentrating
Chronic pain without a known cause
Frequent absences from work or school
Poor performance at work or school
Other signs and symptoms bipolar disorder
Signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder can also include:
Seasonal changes in mood. As with seasonal affective disorder (SAD), some people with bipolar disorder have moods that change with the seasons. Some people become manic or hypomanic in the spring or summer and then become depressed in the fall or winter. For other people, this cycle is reversed — they become depressed in the spring or summer and manic or hypomanic in the fall or winter.
Rapid cycling bipolar disorder. Some people with bipolar disorder have rapid mood shifts. This is defined as having four or more mood swings within a single year. However, in some people moods shifts occur much more quickly, sometimes within just hours.
Psychosis. Severe episodes of either mania or depression may result in psychosis, a detachment from reality. Symptoms of psychosis may include false but strongly held beliefs (delusions) and hearing or seeing things that aren't there (hallucinations). In some people, sudden psychosis (a psychotic break) is the first sign of bipolar disorder.
Symptoms in children and adolescents
Instead of clear-cut depression and mania or hypomania, the most prominent signs of bipolar disorder in children and adolescents can include explosive temper, rapid mood shifts, reckless behavior and aggression. In some cases, these shifts occur within hours or less — for example, a child may have intense periods of giddiness and silliness, long bouts of crying and outbursts of explosive anger all in one day. Changing sleep patterns are also a common indicator of childhood bipolar disorder.
When to see a doctor
If you have any symptoms of depression or mania, see your doctor or mental health provider. Bipolar disorder doesn't get better on its own. Getting treatment from a mental health provider with experience in bipolar disorder can help you get your symptoms under control.
Many people with bipolar disorder don't get the treatment they need. Despite the mood extremes, people with bipolar disorder often don't recognize how much their emotional instability disrupts their lives and the lives of their loved ones. And if you're like some people with bipolar disorder, you may enjoy the feelings of euphoria and cycles of being more productive. However, this euphoria is always followed by an emotional crash that can leave you depressed, worn out — and perhaps in financial, legal or relationship trouble.
If you're reluctant to seek treatment, confide in a friend or loved one, a health care professional, a faith leader or someone else you trust. They can help you take the first steps to successful treatment.
If you have suicidal thoughts.
Suicidal thoughts and behavior are common among people with bipolar disorder. If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, get help right away. Here are some steps you can take:
Contact a family member or friend.
Seek help from your doctor, a mental health provider or other health care professional.
Call a suicide hot line number — in the United States, you can reach the toll-free, 24-hour hot line of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 to talk to a trained counselor.
Contact a minister, spiritual leader or someone in your faith community.
When to get emergency help.
If you think you may hurt yourself or attempt suicide, call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. If you have a loved one who has harmed himself or herself, or is seriously considering doing so, make sure someone stays with that person. Take him or her to the hospital or call for emergency help.
Several factors seem to be involved in causing and triggering bipolar episodes:
Biological differences. People with bipolar disorder appear to have physical changes in their brains. The significance of these changes is still uncertain but may eventually help pinpoint causes.
Neurotransmitters. An imbalance in naturally occurring brain chemicals called neurotransmitters seems to play a significant role in bipolar disorder and other mood disorders.
Hormones. Imbalanced hormones may be involved in causing or triggering bipolar disorder.
Inherited traits. Bipolar disorder is more common in people who have a blood relative (such as a sibling or parent) with the condition. Researchers are trying to find genes that may be involved in causing bipolar disorder.
Environment. Stress, abuse, significant loss or other traumatic experiences may play a role in bipolar disorder.
Risk factors
Factors that may increase the risk of developing bipolar disorder include:
Having blood relatives such as a parent or sibling with bipolar disorder
Periods of high stress
Drug or alcohol abuse
Major life changes, such as the death of a loved one
Being between the ages of 15 and 30
Conditions that commonly occur with bipolar disorder
If you have bipolar disorder, you may also have another health condition that's diagnosed before or after your diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Such conditions need to be diagnosed and treated because they may worsen existing bipolar disorder.
They include:
Anxiety disorders. Examples include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social phobia and generalized anxiety disorder.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD has symptoms that overlap with bipolar disorder. For this reason, bipolar disorder can be difficult to differentiate from ADHD. Sometimes one is mistaken for the other. In some cases, a person may be diagnosed with both conditions.
Addiction or substance abuse. Many people with bipolar disorder also have alcohol or drug problems. Street drugs or alcohol may seem to ease symptoms, but they can actually trigger, prolong or worsen depression or mania.
Physical health problems. People diagnosed with bipolar disorder are more likely to have certain other health problems, including heart disease, thyroid problems and obesity.
Left untreated, bipolar disorder can result in serious problems that affect every area of your life. These can include:
Problems related to substance and alcohol abuse
Legal problems
Financial problems
Relationship troubles
Isolation and loneliness
Poor work or school performance
Frequent absences from work or school
Preparing for your appointment
You're likely to start by first seeing your family doctor or a general practitioner. However, in some cases when you call to set up an appointment, you may be referred immediately to a psychiatrist — a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating mental health conditions.
Because appointments can be brief, and because there's often a lot of ground to cover, it's a good idea to be well prepared for your appointment. Here's some information to help you get ready for your appointment, and what to expect from your doctor.
What you can do
-Write down any symptoms you've had, including any that may seem unrelated to the reason for which you scheduled the appointment.
-Write down key personal information, including any major stresses or recent life changes.
-Make a list of all medications, as well as any vitamins or supplements that you're taking.
-Take a family member or friend along, if possible. Sometimes it can be difficult to soak up all the information provided to you during an appointment. Someone who accompanies you may remember something that you missed or forgot.
-Write down questions to ask your doctor.
Your time with your doctor is limited, so preparing a list of questions ahead of time will help you make the most of your time together. List your questions from most important to least important in case time runs out. For problems related to bipolar disorder, some basic questions to ask your doctor include:
Is bipolar disorder likely causing my symptoms or condition?
Other than the most likely cause, what are other possible causes for my symptoms or condition?
What kinds of tests will I need?
What treatment is likely to work best for me?
What are the alternatives to the primary approach that you're suggesting?
I have these other health conditions. How can I best manage them together?
Are there any restrictions that I need to follow?
Should I see a psychiatrist or other mental health provider? What will that cost, and will my insurance cover seeing a specialist?
Is there a generic alternative to the medicine you're prescribing me?
Are there any brochures or other printed material that I can take home with me? What Web sites do you recommend visiting?
In addition to the questions that you've prepared to ask your doctor, don't hesitate to ask questions during your appointment at any time that you don't understand something.
What to expect from your doctor.
Your doctor is likely to ask you a number of questions. Being ready to answer them may reserve time to go over any points you want to spend more time on. Your doctor may ask:
When did you or your loved ones first begin noticing your symptoms of depression, mania or hypomania?
How frequently do your moods change?
Do you ever have suicidal thoughts when you're feeling down?
How severe are your symptoms? Do they interfere with your daily life or relationships?
Do you have any blood relatives with bipolar disorder or another mood disorder?
What other mental or physical health conditions do you have?
Do you drink alcohol or use street drugs?
How much do you sleep at night? Does it change over time?
Do you go through periods when you take risks you wouldn't normally take, such as unsafe sex or unwise, spontaneous financial decisions?
What, if anything, seems to improve your symptoms?
What, if anything, appears to worsen your symptoms?
Tests and diagnosis
When doctors suspect someone has bipolar disorder, they typically do a number of tests and exams. These can help rule out other problems, pinpoint a diagnosis and also check for any related complications. These can include:
Physical exam. This may involve measuring your height and weight; checking your vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure and temperature; listening to your heart and lungs; and examining your abdomen.
Lab tests. These may include blood and urine tests. These tests can help identify any physical problems that could be causing your symptoms.
Psychological evaluation. A doctor or mental health provider will talk to you about your thoughts, feelings and behavior patterns. You may also fill out a psychological self-assessment or questionnaire. With your permission, family members or close friends may be asked to provide information about your symptoms and possible episodes of mania or depression.
Mood charting. To identify exactly what's going on, your doctor may have you keep a daily record of your moods, sleep patterns or other factors that could help with diagnosis and finding the right treatment.
Diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder.
To be diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you must meet the criteria spelled out in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). This manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association and is used by mental health providers to diagnose mental conditions and by insurance companies to reimburse for treatment. Diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder are based on the specific type of bipolar disorder.
Bipolar I disorder: You've had at least one manic or one mixed episode. You may or may not have had a major depressive episode. Because bipolar I varies from person to person, there are more specific subcategories of diagnosis based on your particular signs and symptoms.
Bipolar II disorder: You've had at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode (but not a fully manic or mixed episode). With bipolar II, symptoms cause distress or difficulty in some area of your life — such as relationships or work. Bipolar II disorder also has subcategories based on your particular signs and symptoms.
Cyclothymic disorder: You've had numerous hypomanic episodes and periods of depression — but you've never had a full manic episode, a major depressive episode or a mixed episode. For a diagnosis of cyclothymic disorder, symptoms last two years or more (one year in children and adolescents). During that time, symptoms never go away for more than two months. Symptoms cause significant distress or difficulty in some area of your life — such as in relationships or at work.
The DSM has very specific criteria for manic, hypomanic, major depressive and mixed episodes:
Criteria for a manic episode.
A manic episode is a distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts at least one week (or less than a week if hospitalization is necessary). During the period of disturbed mood, three or more of the following symptoms must be present (four if the mood is only irritable):
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
Decreased need for sleep (for example, you feel rested after only three hours of sleep)
Unusual talkativeness
Racing thoughts
Increased goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually)
Engagement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences — for example, unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions or foolish business investments
To be considered a manic episode:
The mood disturbance must be severe enough to cause noticeable difficulty at work, at school or in usual social activities or relationships; to require hospitalization to prevent harm to yourself or others; or to trigger a break from reality (psychosis).
Symptoms do not meet the criteria for a mixed episode (see criteria for mixed episode below).
Symptoms are not due to the direct effects of something else such as alcohol or drug use, taking a medication, or a having a medical condition such as hyperthyroidism.
Criteria for a hypomanic episode.
A hypomanic episode is a distinct period of elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts at least four days, and is different from the usual nondepressed mood. During the period of disturbed mood, three or more of the following symptoms must be present (four if the mood is only irritable):
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity
Decreased need for sleep (for example, you feel rested after only three hours of sleep)
Unusual talkativeness
Racing thoughts
Increased goal-directed activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually)
Engagement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences — for example, unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions or foolish business investments
To be considered a hypomanic episode:
The mood disturbance must be severe enough to cause a noticeable and uncharacteristic change in functioning.
The episode isn't severe enough to cause significant difficulty at work, at school or in usual social activities or relationships; to require hospitalization; or to trigger a break from reality (psychosis).
Symptoms do not meet the criteria for a mixed episode (see criteria for mixed episode below).
Symptoms are not due to the direct effects of something else such as alcohol or drug use, taking a medication, or a having a medical condition such as hyperthyroidism.
Criteria for a major depressive episode
To be diagnosed with a major depressive episode, you must have five (or more) of the following symptoms over a two-week period. At least one of the symptoms is either depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure. Symptoms can be based on your own feelings or on the observations of someone else. They include:
Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, such as feeling sad, empty or tearful (in children and adolescents, depressed mood can appear as constant irritability)
Diminished interest or feeling no pleasure in all — or almost all — activities most of the day, nearly every day
Significant weight loss when not dieting, weight gain, or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day (in children, failure to gain weight as expected can be a sign of depression)
Insomnia or increased desire to sleep nearly every day
Either restlessness or slowed behavior that can be observed by others
Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day
Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day
Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide, or a suicide attempt
To be considered a major depressive episode:
Symptoms don't meet the criteria for a mixed episode (see criteria for mixed episode below)
Symptoms must be severe enough to cause noticeable difficulty in day-to-day activities, such as work, school, social activities or relationships with others
Symptoms are not due to the direct effects of something else, such as drug abuse, taking a medication or a having a medical condition such as hyperthyroidism
Symptoms are not caused by grieving, such as after the loss of a loved one
Criteria for mixed episode
The criteria are met both for a manic episode and for a major depressive episode nearly every day during at least a one-week period
The mood disturbance must be severe enough to cause noticeable difficulty at work, at school, or in usual social activities or relationships; to require hospitalization to prevent harm to self or others; or to cause a break from reality (psychosis)
Symptoms are not due to the direct effects of something else, such as drug abuse, taking a medication or a having a medical condition such as hyperthyroidism
Diagnosis in children
The same official criteria used to diagnose bipolar disorder in adults are used to diagnose children and adolescents. However, bipolar symptoms in children and adolescents often have different patterns than they do in adults, and may not fit neatly into the categories used for diagnosis. While adults generally tend to have distinct periods of mania and depression, children and adolescents may have erratic, rapid changes in mood, behavior and energy levels.
It's often hard to tell whether these are normal ups and downs, the results of stress or trauma, or signs of a mental health problem other than bipolar disorder. To make it even more difficult, children who have bipolar disorder are frequently also diagnosed with other mental health conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or behavior problems such as oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).
Although bipolar disorder can occur in young children, diagnosis in children preschool age or younger is especially difficult. The current criteria used for diagnosis have not been proved in young children, and a wide range of issues other than bipolar disorder can cause mood and behavior problems at this age.
Treatments and drugs:
Bipolar disorder requires lifelong treatment, even during periods when you feel better. Treatment is usually guided by a psychiatrist skilled in treating the condition. You may have a treatment team that also includes psychologists, social workers and psychiatric nurses. The primary treatments for bipolar disorder include medications; individual, group or family psychological counseling (psychotherapy); or education and support groups.
Hospitalization may be needed if you are behaving dangerously, you feel suicidal or you become detached from reality (psychotic).
Initial treatment generally involves taking medications to balance your moods right away. Once your symptoms are under control, you'll work with your doctor to find the best long-term treatment.
Continued treatment (maintenance treatment) is used to manage bipolar disorder on a long-term basis. People who skip maintenance treatment are at high risk of a relapse of symptoms or having minor mood changes turn into full-blown mania or depression.
Substance abuse treatment may be necessary if you have problems with alcohol or drugs. Otherwise, it can be very difficult to manage bipolar disorder.
A number of medications are used to treat bipolar disorder. If one doesn't work well for you, there are a number of others to try. Your doctor may suggest combining medications for maximum effect. Medications for bipolar disorder include those that prevent the extreme highs and lows that can occur with bipolar disorder (mood stabilizers) and medications that help with depression or anxiety.
Medications for bipolar disorder include:
Lithium. Lithium (Lithobid, others) is effective at stabilizing mood and preventing the extreme highs and lows of certain categories of bipolar disorder and has been used for many years. Periodic blood tests are required, since lithium can cause thyroid and kidney problems. Common side effects include tremor, weight gain and digestive issues.
Anticonvulsants. These mood stabilizing medications include valproic acid (Depakene), divalproex (Depakote) and lamotrigine (Lamictal). The medication asenapine (Saphris) may be helpful in treating mixed episodes. Depending on the medication you take, side effects can vary. Common side effects include weight gain, tremor and drowsiness. Rarely, certain anticonvulsants cause more serious problems, such as skin rashes, blood disorders or liver problems.
Antidepressants. Depending on your symptoms, your doctor may or may not recommend you take an antidepressant. In some people with bipolar disorder, antidepressants can trigger manic episodes, but may be OK if taken along with a mood stabilizer. The most common antidepressant side effects include reduced sexual desire and problems reaching orgasm. Older antidepressants, which include tricyclics and MAO inhibitors, can cause a number of potentially dangerous side effects and require careful monitoring.
Antipsychotics. Certain antipsychotic medications, such as olanzapine (Zyprexa), risperidone (Risperdal) and quetiapine (Seroquel), may help people who don't gain benefits from anticonvulsants. Side effects depend on the medication, but can include weight gain, sleepiness, tremors, dry mouth, blurred vision and sexual side effects. Weight gain in children is a significant concern. Antipsychotic use may also affect memory and attention and cause involuntary facial or body movements.
Symbyax. This medication combines the antidepressant fluoxetine and the antipsychotic olanzapine - it works as a depression treatment and a mood stabilizer. Side effects can include weight gain, drowsiness, dry mouth, increased appetite and fatigue. This medication may also cause sexual problems similar to those caused by antidepressants.
Benzodiazepines. These anti-anxiety medications may help with anxiety and improve sleep. Examples include clonazepam (Klonopin), lorazepam (Ativan), diazepam (Valium), chlordiazepoxide (Librium) and alprazolam (Xanax). Benzodiazepines are generally used for relieving anxiety only on a short-term basis. Side effects can include drowsiness, reduced muscle coordination, and problems with balance and memory.
Finding the right medication:
Everyone's different, so finding the right medication or medications for you will likely take some trial and error. This requires patience, as some medications need eight weeks or longer to take full effect. Generally only one medication is changed at a time so your doctor can identify which medications work to relieve your symptoms with the least bothersome side effects. This can take months or longer, and medications may need to be adjusted as your symptoms change. Side effects improve as you find the right medications and doses that work for you, and your body adjusts to the medications.
Medications and pregnancy
A number of medications for bipolar disorder can cause birth defects.
Use effective birth control (contraception) to prevent pregnancy. Discuss birth control options with your doctor, as birth control medications may lose effectiveness when taken along with certain bipolar disorder medications.
If you plan to become pregnant, meet with your doctor to discuss your treatment options.
Discuss breast-feeding with your doctor, as some bipolar medications can pass through breast milk to your infant.
Psychotherapy is another vital part of bipolar disorder treatment. Several types of therapy may be helpful. These include:
Cognitive behavioral therapy. This is a common form of individual therapy for bipolar disorder. The focus of cognitive behavioral therapy is identifying unhealthy, negative beliefs and behaviors and replacing them with healthy, positive ones. It can help identify what triggers your bipolar episodes. You also learn effective strategies to manage stress and to cope with upsetting situations.
Education. Counseling to help you learn about bipolar disorder (psychoeducation) can help you and your loved ones understand bipolar disorder. Knowing what's going on can help you get the best support and treatment, and help you and your loved ones recognize warning signs of mood swings.
Family therapy. Family therapy involves seeing a psychologist or other mental health provider along with your family members. Family therapy can help identify and reduce stress within your family. It can help your family learn how to communicate better, solve problems and resolve conflicts.
Group therapy. Group therapy provides a forum to communicate with and learn from others in a similar situation. It may also help build better relationship skills.
Other therapies. Other therapies that have been studied with some evidence of success include early identification and therapy for worsening symptoms (prodrome detection) and therapy to identify and resolve problems with your daily routine and interpersonal relationships (interpersonal and social rhythm therapy). Ask your doctor if any of these options may be appropriate for you.
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Electroconvulsive therapy can be effective for people who have episodes of severe depression or feel suicidal or people who haven't seen improvements in their symptoms despite other treatment. With ECT, electrical currents are passed through your brain. Researchers don't fully understand how ECT works. But it's thought that the electric shock causes changes in brain chemistry that leads to improvements in your mood. ECT may be an option if you have mania or severe depression when you're pregnant and cannot take your regular medications.
In some cases, people with bipolar disorder benefit from hospitalization. Getting psychiatric treatment at a hospital can help keep you calm and safe and stabilize your mood, whether you're having a manic episode or a deep depression. Partial hospitalization or day treatment programs also are options to consider. These programs provide the support and counseling you need while you get symptoms under control.
Treatment in children and adolescents
Children and adolescents with bipolar disorder are prescribed the same types of medications as those used in adults. However, there's very little research on the safety and effectiveness of bipolar medications in children, so treatment decisions are based on adult research. Treatments are generally decided on a case-by-case basis, depending on exact symptoms, medication side effects and other factors. As with adults, ECT may be an option for adolescents with severe bipolar I symptoms or for whom medications don't work.
Most children diagnosed with bipolar disorder require counseling as part of initial treatment and to keep symptoms from returning. Psychotherapy — along with working with teachers and school counselors — can help children develop coping skills, address learning difficulties and resolve social problems. It can also help strengthen family bonds and communication. Psychotherapy may also be necessary to resolve substance abuse problems, common in older children with bipolar disorder.
Lifestyle and home remedies
You'll probably need to make lifestyle changes to stop cycles of behavior that worsen your bipolar disorder, and to make sure you get the support you need from people in your life. Here are some steps to take:
Quit drinking or using illicit drugs. One of the biggest concerns with bipolar disorder is the negative consequences of risk-taking behavior and drug or alcohol abuse. Get help if you have trouble quitting on your own.
Steer clear of unhealthy relationships. Surround yourself with people who are a positive influence and won't encourage unhealthy behavior or attitudes that can worsen your bipolar disorder.
Get regular exercise. Moderate, regular exercise can help steady your mood. Working out releases brain chemicals that make you feel good (endorphins), can help you sleep and has a number of other benefits.
Get plenty of sleep. Sleeping enough is an important part of managing your mood. If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor or mental health provider about what you can do.
Alternative medicine
Some alternative treatments may help, but there isn't much research on them. Most of the studies that do exist are on major depression, so it isn't clear how well most of these work for bipolar disorder.
Omega-3 fatty acids. These oils may help improve brain function and depression associated with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder appears to be less common in areas of the world where people regularly eat fish rich in omega-3s. Omega-3s appear to have a number of health benefits, but more studies are needed to determine just how much they help with bipolar disorder.
St. John's wort. This herb may be helpful with depression. However, it can also interact with antidepressants and other medications, and has the potential to trigger mania in some people.
S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAMe). This amino acid supplement appears to help brain function related to depression. It isn't clear yet whether it's helpful in people with bipolar disorder. As with St. John's wort, SAMe can trigger mania in some people.
Herbal combinations. Herbal remedies that combine a number of different herbs, such as those used in traditional Chinese medicine, haven't been well studied. Some appear to help, but the risks and benefits still aren't clear.
Acupuncture. This ancient Chinese practice of inserting tiny needles into the skin may relieve depression, but more studies are needed to confirm its benefits. However, it won't hurt for you to try it — acupuncture is safe and can be done along with other bipolar disorder treatments.
Yoga. Yoga may help ease depression and mood swings associated with bipolar disorder. It also has a number of other health benefits.
Massage therapy. Massage may also help relieve anxiety and stress, which can worsen bipolar symptoms.
Although some alternative medicine treatments can be a good addition to your regular treatment, take some precautions first:
Don't stop taking your prescribed medications or skip therapy sessions. Alternative medicine is not a substitute for regular medical care when it comes to treating bipolar disorder.
Be honest with your doctors and mental health providers. Tell them exactly which complementary treatments you use or would like to try.
Be aware of potential dangers. Just because it's natural doesn't mean it's safe. Before using alternative medicine, be sure you know the risks, including possible interactions with medications.
There's no sure way to prevent bipolar disorder. However, getting treatment at the earliest sign of a mental health disorder can help prevent bipolar disorder or other mental health conditions from worsening.
If you've been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, some strategies can help prevent minor episodes from becoming full-blown episodes of mania or depression:
Pay attention to warning signs. Addressing symptoms early on can prevent episodes from getting worse. You and your caregivers may have identified a pattern to your bipolar episodes and what triggers them. Call your doctor if you feel you're falling into an episode of depression or mania. Involve family members or friends in watching for warning signs.
Avoid drugs and alcohol. Even though you may feel better, using alcohol or street drugs makes your symptoms more likely to come back.
Take your medications exactly as directed. Medications can have unwanted side effects, and you may feel unhappy about having a mental health condition that requires lifelong treatment. During periods when you feel better, you may be tempted to stop treatment. This can have immediate consequences — you may become very depressed, feel suicidal, or go into a manic or hypomanic episode. If you think you need to make a change, call your doctor.
Check first before taking other medications. Call the doctor who's treating you for bipolar disorder before you take medications prescribed by another doctor. Sometimes other medications trigger episodes of bipolar disorder or may interfere with medications you're already taking to treat bipolar disorder.
Sources: Sulaiman Muhd Kutti (OHN/MA)
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