Thursday, June 16, 2011


Stress happens to all of us. It sneaks up when we least expect it, disguising itself as tense muscles, headaches, agitation and quick temperedness. Here are 10 easy activities you can do to reduce your stress. Make a mental note of these, or list them on post-it notes to hang up in conspicuous places as reminders.

1. Stop. Whatever activity you are engaged in, stop and quiet your mind.
2. Breathe. Focus your attention on your breath, slowing it to a regular pattern.
3. Allow. Allow your muscles a moment to relax as you focus on your breath. As you inhale, consciously breathe into the stress in the muscles and relaxing them as you exhale. Take deep breaths and release.
4. Listen. Quiet your mind by listening to your breath as you inhale and exhale. Listen to your body telling you that stress is taking place.
5. Rest. Give yourself permission to rest your body and your mind. Many times our stress is from mental fatigue, not just physical tiredness. Take a 10 minute power nap if you have the opportunity, or simply close your eyes and repeat the phrase over and over in your mind, "I am quiet, peaceful and relaxed. It is safe for me to rest now."
6. Exercise. Go for a walk, a jog or a swim. Exercising releases endorphins in your brain which will preoccupy your mind. This is a wonderful way to physically release built up tensions that have been held in your physical body.
7. Be present in the moment. When you recycle the same thoughts, keep a mental `to do' list, or worry about something that is already over, then your mind is elsewhere. You are not fully present in the moment, and neither is your mind. Being focused elsewhere or living in the past and ruminating can be extremely tiring and stressful. Consistently recall yourself back to the present moment.
8. Call a friend. Talking can be a great stress reliever. The simple action of being heard by someone who cares about you can make everything feel better. You have released the tension, and you have been heard. You will find that your body automatically begins to relax and release the tensions. You may yawn often during the conversation. Yawning is a form of releasing physical tension as well as the body's way of taking in more oxygen to nourish the tense muscles.
9. Have a massage. Physical touch releases tensions and stress from the physical body as well as relaxing your thoughts and emotions. You may want to schedule ongoing massage therapy sessions as part of your regular routine. People that receive massage on a regular basis experience less stress because they aren't storing the tensions for long periods of time without relief.
10. Seek counseling. Asking for assistance, either through traditional or intuitive/spiritual counseling is not a signal of weakness. In fact it is the opposite. It is a show of strength from within to ask for help. It reflects your willingness to deal with your stress and manage your life in a new, healthy way. A counselor can help you maintain a healthy balance during times of stress, extreme tension, difficulty or transition.

Above all, remember that you are doing your best to reduce the stress in your life. You have the inherent right to be happy, healthy and thriving. Stress does not need to be an assumed part of your lifestyle. You can choose to ignore stress and live with it, or to take action and do something about it. It's up to you. Give yourself the gift of relaxation. You deserve it!


Tackling Stress

Many of us are often too busy keeping all the balls in the air that we do not stop to consider alternative ways of managing our lives more effectively. Here's how to tackle stress at the source:

* Are you being a perfectionist? There can be a strong desire to be the perfect boss, employee, partner, and parent that we take on too many commitments. Allow yourself the opportunity to make an occasional mistake, and not feel compelled to do
everything yourself. Stress and tension are contagious. Others pick up on the strained atmosphere and begin to feel on the edge.
* Look at your role models. Are you living under the critical eye of capable parents, siblings, teachers, whom you feel compelled to please or emulate? Letting yourself off the hook, and appreciating you are a different person can free you from
much of the pressure and stress.
* Manage your time better. The trick is to priorities or else you can find yourself trying to do everything at once, and end up doing very little. Lists can be a valuable way of identifying what needs doing, and they help clear the mind.
* Poor health can impact your capacity to cope with stress. Poor eating habits, lack of quality sleep, and no exercise can impact on our health and vitality. When busy and feeling stressed, it can be tempting to drink lots of caffeine and snack on
quick unhealthy meals. However this is an unfortunate way to manage our health.
* Personal time should be valued or else we reinforce the message that everything and everyone else's needs are more important than our own. Feeling more positive about ourselves helps us to become more confident, which in turn improves our ability to manage stress.

Info dari laman web: -kanak/KeselamatanJalanrayakanak.php

1 comment:

  1. There are so many ways to reduce stress and thanks for sharing thees tips. but the dietary supplements for stress can gives fast and most effective results.
